You Had Me All In My Head

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"You said you would stay but you didn't. The world came crashing down in thirty seconds flat, but you can't give me up like a bad habit, You can't give me up like that." —XYLO.

Chapter Theme Song: 'Bad Habit' by XYLO.



"Sleep tight in my arms, I am not going anywhere."

Those were the gratifying words that Blaze whispered against my ear last night, but when I woke up this morning, he was nowhere beside me.

I won't whine about it. He has classes so it is only right that he returns to his dorm in the morning. I would love to know if he is fine though. I have his number, but I don't want to text him first—quite silly, I know.

Geometry is almost over, and I can't wait to leave the lecture hall because three hours of sitting and listening to a boring monologue is equivalent to painfully plucking your nails off your fingers.

I hastily grab my bag as soon as Mr. Roster turns around to clear the board, stuffing my books into the small carrier while hastily getting up from my seat. My butt feels sore from the hardwood chair, and I grimace as I speedily plod toward the exit, beating everyone else to it.

The hallway is overcrowded as I attempt to zip my bag up while I walk, frowning at my laptop that refuses to tuck itself into the largest compartment. I puff air from cheeks as I force the edge of the silver device into the sack, sticking my tongue out at the corner of my mouth in the utmost struggle. I should have bought a bigger bag.

I finally manage to get it in when I bump headway into someone. I step back while offering a speedy apology. "Oh, I am so sorry, I didn't—"

My words cut off at the sight of Blaze, who's smiling while massaging the corner of his mouth with his tongue.

He looks handsome as usual, sporting a black T-shirt and grey jeans, his hair tangled on his head with just a single strand escaping over his forehead. He is such a work of art.

And my morning has just begun. Suddenly, I am no longer feeling crabby.

His beams are like a daily dose of caffeine—exactly what I need at the start of every morning—every day. But maybe that is too much to ask for, right?

I don't want to get my hopes up, but after what happened between us last night, I would like to believe that maybe he feels the same way about me. I am not sure if it was a meaningful experience for him, but it was for me. It was a huge step, and though I am trying hard not to read into it, I did feel a connection between us. He must have felt it too.

"Hi, Harmony."

"Hey, you vanished like the wind this morning." I purse my lips, and he scratches his forehead before gently gripping my arm and pulling me forward so people wouldn't bump into me.

"Um yeah... I didn't bring my toothbrush."

The first night we slept together, I didn't feel bad when I woke up the next morning and he wasn't there, but I don't know if it's because of what happened between us last night why I feel this uneasy about him having promised to stay but didn't. Maybe I am exaggerating, but it kind of feels like a one-night-stand of some sort? Okay, I am beside myself, it's not like we slept together or something.

I bring forth a smile as we begin to tread down the crowded corridor. "As usual." I finally respond to his alibi, and he chuckles lightly at the soft retort.

"Someone sounds disappointed. What? Were you hoping to shower with me?"

My eyes grow nervously wide. "What? N-no way."

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