Chapter 10

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Tom grabbed your hand and told you to grab onto Oliver's with your free hand. Then he appetites you to in front of his mannor.

It was giant. Large elegant windows lined each floor. Big wooden doors stand in the middle  with large marble pillars on each side. A long path with with steps lead to the doors.

Tom started walking towards the beautiful house, tugging you along. You continued to hold onto Oliver hand. Through the large doors was a large entrance hall. Lots of painting hanging on the walls and some dying flowers on a small table near the door.

"You both live here now. Follow me" Tom said as he continues to walk across the hall. Up a set of marble stairs and down the hallway. Tom opened a door and you looked inside. "Y/n, this is our room" he said as he watched emotions flood your face.

The room was very large with grey walls and a dark green accent wall. It had dark hard wood floors. Over near a big fireplace was 2 luxurious black couches with a small dark wood coffee table between them. The wall by the big four poster bed was covered in books. Over in the corner by the balcony doors stood a nice sized desk scattered with parchment, quills and open books.

He led you out of the room and opened another door not far down the hallway. "Wood you'll stay here" he muttered. Oliver looked around the nice sized room. It had a nice four poster and green walls. Art was scattered across each wall. More dark hard wood floors but there was a nice area rug near the big black arm chair.

"Dinner will be done in half an hour. I expect to see you both there" Tom stated while turning to leave. Oliver goes and sits on the bed. You close the door behind Riddle and Malfoy. You then flop down next to him.

"What the hell did we get ourselves into?" You ask him while laying down and looking at the ceiling. "No clue" he mumbles as he also lays down. You feel his warm hand placed over yours. You can't help but look over at him only to see a small smile on his face. "I'm glad I'm not going through this alone y/n" he said still smiling softly. "Me too Wood."

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