Chapter 1

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It was a normal day. The sun was sinning brightly over the castle as usual. Only a few clouds in the sky. It had rained the night before so the grass was damp as you walked towards the quidditch field.

It was a great place to think. Quiet and peaceful as long as no one else was there to bother you. As you reached the field you see a figure standing in the middle facing away. Oliver.

As you approach him he turns around to face you. You both give soft smiles. "It's early for you to be out here isn't it y/n?" He asked. "Just came to think" you replied. He smiled softly and started to walk to the castle without saying another word.

Once you were alone you went to sit in the stands. The damp wood cold against your bare legs. You place your elbows on your knees and rest your head in your hands. All you can do it think.

After a while you decided it was probable best to head back to the castle for breakfast. As you reached the doors to the great hall you suddenly became hesitant. But you knew you had to go in and eat so he wouldn't get worried. He was all you could think about.

You walk in and take your usual place next to him. He didn't look up from his book. You place a small amount of food on your plate and reach for the fork. He quickly grabs your wrist and gives you a harsh look. "Where's the rest?" He asked coldly. "I'm not too hungry this morning" you say looking away. He gives you a harsh look and throws your wrist while looking back to his book.

After breakfast you head back to the common room. Draco was sitting by the fire with Pansy and Blaise as they always do. They gave a quick glance at you before looking back to the fire. You decided there's no point in being there so you go off to your dorm.

You close the door behind you and lay down in bed and close your eyes. Why him? Why no someone else you think to yourself. The thoughts of him race through your head fast. A million thoughts a second. He floods your brain.

You fall asleep but are suddenly awoken by a presence in your room. You don't know why but it feels like someone's there. Watching you. You don't open your eyes. The bed dips down besides you. You roll over hoping to avoid whatever it was. Then a cold hand on your shoulder sends shivers down your spine.

"I know you're awake" he said with no emotions as usual. You stay silent and try not to move. "No point in ignoring me love" he says a bit louder. You finally roll over to face him and look him in the eyes.

"What do you want Tom?"

Was it worth it? (Tom Riddle)Where stories live. Discover now