Chapter 13

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The next morning you awake still tangles in the sheets cuddles up to Tom. You remove your face from his bare chest and glance up at him. He's still sleeping but his arms are still wrapped around you. You slowly grab his wrist and remove his arms, freeing yourself from his grasp. You quietly get out of bed and over to the bathroom. You stand in the door way for a moment and look back to see Tom peacefully sleeping.

You undress and quickly wrap a towel around your body to just in case Tom wakes and walks in. You walk over to the large shower and turn on the water. As you wait for it to warm up, you walk over to the large tub that sits under a pretty big window. You glance out the window and realize there's nothing behind the house but a large yard and woods. No one can see into the bathroom.

You pace back over to the large shower and check to temperature. It was perfect. You dropped the towel and quickly climbed in. As you washed your hair and body a shocking right hit. You're only 17. You gasp loudly as this thought sinks in. You're 17 and have been kidnapped and will be forced to marry a man who you do not love. This is a lot a pressure placed on you knowing you'll never get to live your life properly since you are now enslaved and trapped in twisted Tom Riddles world.


You step out of the shower and wrap the towel back around you while watching the door making sure Tom didn't barge in. You dry off and keep the towel clutched tightly around your body as you walk towards the mirror. You hardly recognize the person looking back at you. You don't look the same for some reason. At least you don't think so.

You open the door and step out into the bed room. Tom is sitting on the corner of the bed, still in just his pajama bottoms. He looks you up and down and a guy churning smirk dances it way onto his face. You clutch the towel tighter around your fragile figure. "Um I kinda need clothes" you finally manage to say. "Right. In the dresser over there" he points with his hand, still not taking his eyes off of you.

You walk across the room to the dresser and open the drawers pulling out lovely clothes. As you're distracted with the clothes Tom rises from his spot and slowly makes his way over to you. Still distracted, you don't notice. Then he grabs your hips tightly from behind. His hot breath hitting the back of your neck sending chills down your body. He removed one of his hands from you hip and traces a finger up your body to and across your jaw.

He leans in and whispers in your ear "you could just take the towel off you know" you feel your breath catch in your throat. "Or I could take it off for you" he continues as he straightens up, towering over you. You don't move. Paralyzed in fear. You then feel his hand grab back onto the towel. It moves to where the fabric overlaps and slips his hand though, touching your bare skin. He rubs his rand up and down along your side and traces patterns across your skin.

You finally get the courage to pull away and rush to the bathroom to get dressed. Leaving him there alone with a stunning smirk laying on his face.

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