Chapter 9

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Tom grabbed your hand and started to walk back towards the remains of the castle. Oliver and Draco behind you. His hands we're warm and still covered in blood. "Tom I know a spell that will clean up all the blood on you" you mention while looking down at his hands. "Ah that's be very nice, go ahead." You pull out your wand and do the spell.

As you reached the edge of the grounds your heart hurt more than you though was possible. Your home was now gone. Destroyed. Tom releases his grip on your hand and puts his hands in his pockets. You look up at him. A proud smirk was painted across his pale lips. He then turns around to talk to Draco again.

You take a step forward looking at the damage. Oliver appeared at your side. He placed his hand on your shoulder sympathetically. "Tom, I'm gonna go walk through the grounds one last time" you say not removing your eyes off the rubble. "Me too" Oliver said softly. "Be quick, we need to leave soon and head to Riddle Mannor" he said still paying attention to Malfoy.

You grab onto Oliver's hand and begin to walk through the remains. Only a few half walls still stand. Everyone must have either died or left cause there was no living thing in sight. You lightly brush your free hand across one of the remaining walls. It's cold and has some blood splatters across it. You remember all the times you ran down these corridors with your friends. And now there are no corridors.

As you reached where the astronomy tower should be, there was a crunch behind you. "Y/n? Oliver?" It spoke. It wasn't Riddle or Malfoy that was for sure. You slowly turn your head and are faced with a horrible sight. Cedric was trapped under some stone. It was like he was in the right place at the right time because he wasn't hurt, just stuck between some rocks.

"Cedric" you whisper. He chuckled. "I though no one else survived or was still here" he said as a small smile was placed on his face. "Any chance you could get me out?" He asked. You and Oliver just looked at each other exchanging worried looks. Then a familiar cold hand was placed on you shoulder.

"Ready to go love?" He asked. Cedric gasped at the words. "No-no you can't be with him y/n! He just destroyed the school. He killed everyone." You lower your head and let a tear roll slowly down your cheek. "Pureblood?" Tom asked Cedric. "Yes but how does that relate to anything?" He responded. Tom waved his wand and Cedric was free.

"Y/n you're not really with him right?" Cedric questioned while turning to face you. You didn't lift your head. He reached up to grab your shoulder but Tom quickly grabbed his hand and shoved it away. "We're leaving. Now"

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