s1:ep5→the gospel

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"Oh my, aren't you thoughtful! Thank you so much for this! I'm sure the boys will be grateful for these," Mrs. Saiki beamed as hearts and sparkles mysteriously appeared out of nowhere and dissipating as soon as it came.

"No, thank you for existing," You giggled dumbly, that dessert is actually only for you, you wanted to add but that would be suspicious. Her son menacingly stared in the background, judging you.

You guessed that Kusuo's father was still at work. You wondered if he also have that saturated pink hair that the psychic inherited from. You pursed your lips, is he also a psychic? Or perhaps...a GOD?

That thought scares you.

Once you were done chatting, Mrs. Saiki pulls out the coffee jellies and placed it on the coffee table. She happily skipped to the kitchen to get God knows what, leaving you and your soon-to-be victim alone in the room.

Kusuo took his chance to snatch one of the deserts but you slapped his hand away. He didn't flinch but it did a good job of stopping his movements.

What a pain. What now? His hand was still in midair as he glared at you.

"Uh-uh! I'll give you one if you start answering my questions!" You cheekily grinned.

As if I'll give in that easily, he scoffed.


You blinked.

Okay, you were expecting more fight in him.

"What the hell!? That easy?" You gaped at the psychic. "Man, you're pathetic."

"Do you want my help or not?"

"Of course I do!" You grinned and handed him the treat, "Now, tell me all you know about your creepy mind control ability!"

"Don't call it creepy," Saiki deadpanned. He shoved a spoonful of jelly, sighing happily.

"By definition, it's to manipulate one's mentality..." He trailed off. You leaned closer, urging him to continue. He blankly stared at you.

"I answered your question. Now leave me alone."

"Huh?" Your voice dropped a few octaves while you stared at him incredulously. Sneaky. The aura you were emitting was like a delinquent who's about to beat him up for not giving you his lunch money. For an added effect, you cracked your knuckles.

"I can search that shit on G*ogle! Just tell me if you're the cause behind all these...phenomena!" You placed a foot on the sofa cushion, assuming that could actually trap him.

"Put your foot down," His eyebrow twitched. You ignored his demand. Instead, you placed your elbow on your perched knee and peered at him as an attempt to look threatening.

To be honest, you don't think your noodle arms can beat him in a fist fight. But with a knife...

Kusuo sighed at your stubbornness.

"I used mind control to appear normal to the public eye. The obnoxious hair colors, the quick healing, It's all me," He explained. "Although I can't say I'm responsible for some of the other 'phenomena' you've wrote in your notebook." He said and ate another spoonful.

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