s1:ep19→halloween luck

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A/N: These chapters are getting worryingly longer. Sorry for the mistkakes. No beta-readers. I die like a man.

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"Yo! Sorry that I'm late for the party," you said, walking into Kaidou's home like you were the one who paid for the electricity and water bills. You glanced around the decorated living room and saw Kuboyasu and Nendou attempting to speak to a fake coffin while Saiki stood at the corner of the room, not bothering to socialize.

You sweatdropped, is this what a Halloween party supposed to be like?

"Hey, buddy!" greeted Nendou, aggressively patting you on the back, "Glad you made it!"

"Uh, yeah, sure. Where's the host?" you asked, awkwardly standing in the middle of Kaidou's living room. A couple of Kuboyasu's toilet paper from his mummy costume got caught on your foot.

"Currently sulking in the coffin," Aren answered, annoyed and concerned. "Apparently, the party's ruined."

"What?" you whined in disbelief, glancing at Kaidou's depressive state, "Already? I just got here!" This is the first time you've been at a party ( with close friends this time, not with family members ) and it's already deteriorating into a dumpster fire.

God, you just can't have nice things.

Aren turned to you, eyeing your clothing. "You didn't even dress up," The bespectacled teen pointed out. Hearing this, Kaidou let out another childish wail, startling everyone in the room. You curiously walked closer to the casket.

"What do you mean? I'm dressed up as a wanted criminal," you jested ( not really ) "Kidding, I'm cosplaying as Kusuo -- these are his clothes." You gestured your hands to the mustard hoodie as if it was a prized possession. You were planning on wearing the maid uniform to save money but that could unavoidably cause unwanted conflict -- like getting accused as a pervert or having a maid kink.

The brief mention of his name immediately caught the psychic's attention. Discreetly turning away from the wall to check your attire, he can 100% guarantee that that's the hoodie you've extorted from him. He almost forgot that you even have it in your possession, It's been, what? A month?

"Don't tell me you stole those," accused Aren.

Technically, they did, Saiki inwardly answered.

"What!? I would never!" you gasped, feigning offense. "Oi, Kusuo, tell 'em!" you barked out, facing the aloof teen.

No thanks, he scoffed.

Nendou and Aren glance up at the psychic curiously only for the boy in question to quietly turn away, not helping your case whatsoever. No way in hell would he prove that -- not with Kuboyasu's perverted thoughts that he accidentally caught on.

"Whatever," you grumpily huffed, turning to Nendou, "Say, wanna hear my Kusuo impression?" You suggested as you resided your cold hands into the borrowed hoodie's pockets.

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