s1:ep12→time to change family names

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 a/n: Unedited. I need sleep.

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"Lalala~ awed by fraud, quacks are whack, scammingly scammingly la~" you hummed a tune you learned from your grandma as you strolled your way to the Saiki household after a long day of school. Kusuo's mother, Kurumi, invited you for baking lessons. You didn't bother changing out of your uniform since your house is way far from here. No need for unnecessary physical exercise.

Maybe I should stay for dinner, too, you pondered, not in the least feel any shame for intruding. Who cares, less money to spend on dinner is a big win for you. Kusuo -- if he's nice enough -- can just teleport you back to your house.

Once you saw the familiar roof of their home, you recalled Kurumi telling you over the phone that you didn't need to knock and just come inside like it's your own house. When's the better time to do it than now?

"Mrs. Saiki!" You drawled, slowly opening the door with a soft creak. You noticed that there's a few boxes stacked on their entryway containing the same products, "I'm here for the -- huh!?"

"Who are you!?" Both you and the mysterious bespectacled man shouted, rudely pointing at each other. Kusuo, who heard the commotion from his room, decided to take a look out of curiosity. The sight of you and his father made the boy sigh; two annoying people in the same room.

"Wait a minute, I've seen you before," the man brought up, scratching his jawline, trying to recollect his memories.

"Are you perhaps..."

"I am (l/n) (y/n), are you their mover man? Good luck moving these boxes," you briefly introduced, brushing past him. For a second, you thought that you've caught an intruder in their house. You were about to throw a few punches.

"Actually, I'm -- "

"(y/n)-chan! You came!" Kurumi stood up from their couch, giggling. She tenderly held both your hands in greeting.

"Of course! What's with the boxes?"

"There's salesmen selling us such incredible products and I couldn't help but buy all of it!" she smiled and clasped her hands together, oblivious to the fact that they are getting targeted by frauds as we speak.

"What!?" You gaped. If you weren't so flabbergasted by the news, you would've cooed at her naivete. You grasped her shoulders and lightly shook her, "Don't get tricked by door-to-door salesmen! They're shady!"

"Oh, no! I'm not getting tricked! Look, here's an egg cracker!" She proudly presented the invention with sparkles in her eyes. The sight of the most useless and ridiculous product almost made you cry. What a waste of money!

You held the egg cracker in disdain, "People who tries to trick people as sweet as Mrs. Saiki are a bunch of money-grubbing scums and deserves to die!" You declared, gripping the patently stupid invention, as if you weren't singing about fraud a few minutes ago.

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