s1:ep10→(part ii) a heavy wallet fills an empty heart

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𝘼𝙉 𝙀𝙈𝙋𝙏𝙔 𝙃𝙀𝘼𝙍𝙏 (𝙥𝙖𝙧𝙩 𝙞𝙞)❞

Today was rather alarming for Kusuo Saiki: Kuboyasu got arrested, Him and Kaidou was 'requested' to transfer to a school in Siberia, Mera has been given laxative-laced bread, Nendou's magazine was mysteriously littered with boogers -- basically, everyone's having a bad time. ( Except Mera; she's fine. )

What's bothering Saiki the most was that you were nowhere to be found.

Well that's one nuisance down, he inwardly jested. Don't get him wrong, he does have a bit of care in him even though you're one of the many nuisances who's hellbent on making his life miserable and headache-incuding.

He tried using his clairvoyance once and lo and behold, that doesn't work on you, too. Were you dead? Saiki mentally shook his head at that line of thought. This is a comedy anime for crying out loud. Dying is forbidden.

Bursting through the door, which rudely interrupted Saiki's wishful thinking, men in suits swarmed the classroom and rolled out a red carpet to exaggerate the power and importance of the one and only, Saiko Metori.

The affluent teen smirked once he saw his grief-stricken classmates. "You picked the wrong person to defy. If you continue to be stubborn," his gaze went straight to Teruhashi, "even more misfortune will befall you and the people around you." The silverette then stepped out of the classroom, not even bothering to actually attend class. He's too rich and handsome for that.

"Weight your options carefully."

Suddenly, Saiko's 32,175,830 yen smartphone rang, ruining the whole mood. Quickly whipping it out to see who the perpetrator was, he smirked, accepting the call and putting it on speaker.

"Well, well, well, what seems to be the problem, darling?" He asked the caller.

The psychic slightly raised his eyebrows, Darling?

That nickname is especially reserved to a loved one, more specifically, a significant other. If he's trying to pursue Teruhashi, then who the hell is the person on the other line?

"Oi, Toritori, where's my McD*nalds? I'm starving to death." A familiar voice came through the expensive phone. Unfortunately, Kusuo couldn't pinpoint who it was.

"Oh, it's coming, honey. I bought the whole establishment just for you!" He cooed so disgustingly sweet that it took all of Saiki's willpower to not visibly cringe. The psychic swore he heard the ever so mysterious 'darling' on the other line make barf noises before disconnecting. What a way to end a call.

Saiko triumphantly hummed, taking one final look at his poor, poor classmates, "Until next time, peasants," he spat.

Saiki glared as soon as Metori turned his back on them. Right when the psychic needed your scummy intellect and your plans to literally eat the rich, you just had to be missing now, of all times.

Finding no more alternatives, as childish as it sounds, it looks like it's Saiki's turn to be scummy -- but with good intentions, of course.

I'll show you who picked the wrong person to defy.




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