Chapter 4

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"Hello, I would like to ask where the Xuege room is?" Qiao Chi asks while standing at the counter.

Song Yiyu, who stands behind her, raises his head and looks around the place, feeling inexplicably familiar to the surrounding.

After Qiao Chi is shown the way, she thanks the staff and takes Song Yiyu's by his wrist to a guest lobby where he could rest.

After finding out that Qiao Chi was going to be the only one coming to the dinner last night, he immediately decided to come with her. Fearing that she could be bullied, he planned to be here and take her away if that happens.

She repeatedly told him that it was okay, but Song Yiyu just refused to let it go. At 3 o'clock today, he put on a clean suit, sat on the sofa, and aggressively waited to escort her. It was like he was making a statement that if she didn't let him come along, then she too, won't be able to leave the house either.

Qiao Chi had no other options, so she put a hat on him and brought him along.

The reason why Qiao Chi dared to come alone to this dinner was because it was written so in the novel. Zhang's new drama receives an investment from the male lead's company, who will also be present tonight. However, the male lead dislike those who uses underhanded methods to get ahead.

Qiao Chi looks forward to seeing the female lead showing up for the audition. It will be the first meeting between the female lead and the male lead. She estimates that she will be late if she doesn't go there now. Therefore, she tells server to bring Song Yiyu some drinks and snacks, and says to him: "I'll probably have to stay inside for an hour or two. If you're hungry, order something to eat first. Since you're by yourself, don't run around, you know?"

Song Yiyu covers his face with a mask, and replies sullenly with a frown. "Why does it take so long? I really can't come inside?"

He's been a little worried since last night. He used his new phone that Qiao Chi has bought for him and searched a lot of news about the entertainment industry. One thing he found was that It is common for new actors to be bullied and molested. Since his baobao is so beautiful and delicate, and the agent is not around, what should she do if she is bullied?

"No." Qiao Chi's tone's very firm. It's not because she's unwilling to let Song Yiyu in, but because there were too many people who knew him, and she couldn't guarantee that there won't be one who won't discover him.

Therefore, before Song Yiyu can recover his memory, she still has to be careful. If anyone in Song Yiyu's house finds out, she and Song Yiyu will be finished.

Song Yiyu nods, even though he feels aggrieved: "Okay."

Qiao Chi pats him on the shoulder and says: "I will try to leave as fast as I can, alright?"

"Okay," says Song Yiyu, still feeling sorry for himself.

Qiao Chi's a little bit dumbfounded at his behavior, but she doesn't say anything more. She reminds him about a couple of more things before walking away with her high heels.

She follows the staff's directions for a while before finding the Xuege Room. Standing at the door, Qiao Chi takes a deep breath and raises her hand and knocked on the door. After she hears a reply, inviting her to come in, she presses the doorknob down to open the door.

There are only five people sitting inside and only a little bit of snacks are in front of them. It seems that she came earlier. The people in the room look at her to confirm who she is.

Qiao Chi walks in, closes the door, and generously introduces herself: "Hello, my name is Qiao Chi. I am an actress."

She bows her head to greet the man with a baseball cap in front of her, then flashes him a bright smile. "Hello, director Zhang."

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