Chapter 1

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"Let's congratulate Qiao Chi on winning the Golden Horse Award! Come on! everyone has a drink!" In the enclosed room, everyone smiles with excited faces as congratulatory words pour out. They face toward the center, holding their glasses towards the girl standing there.

The guest of honor has a small face, and pale complexion. She raises her glass before everyone's eyes. Because she has drunk some wine, her cheeks blush a little more.

With an reserved smile, and two coin sized dimples on both side of her cheeks, Qiao Chi holds up the wine glass and clears her throat: "The reason I won this award is all thanks to everyone's hard work behind the scene. This is not my award alone, but ours, so thank you."

The atmosphere in the room becomes even livelier because of her praise.

The party continues until 1 AM. Qiao Chi's footsteps relax once she reaches her car. After she climbs in, she reluctantly muster up some energy to say goodbye to each person. Her driver waits until she's the only left before closing up the car's door.

"Miss, should we go to your mansion or your home?" The driver looks at her through the rearview mirror after he started the car. He waits until she responds before moving.

Qiao Chi opens her eyes and rubs behind her check, stroking her hair. Her face no longer has on a gentle expression. She then turns her head and glances out the window: "Go home."

"You could only stay home for two hours if you go there, but if you go back to the mansion—"

"Home." Qiao Chi impatiently interrupts the driver, who then steps on the gas and drive straight out towards the highway.

Qiao Chi closes her eyes once again. Today, she won the Golden Horse Award that all the actresses dream of, becoming the youngest Golden Horse Award winner. She doesn't need to look on Weibo to know how hot this news is.

There will be congratulations, and well wishes that her dream has come true. However, all her thoughts are on her mother who also received the same award.

Thinking about this, she then moves toward the window of the car and lowers it. The cold wind enters, clearing her mind."

"Miss, we're already on the highway, so please close the window, lest you might catch a cold." The driver reminds, but does not let Qiao Chi choose, and directly does it himself.

Before she could open her mouth to protest, the car slides to the side and loses control. Because she was not firmly seated, Qiao Chi lurches forward and hits her head on the glass.

She doesn't even have time to lift her head and finds out what the current situation is because she suddenly gradually loses consciousness from the impact.



Cars' horns nosily enter her ears. Qiao Chi frowns and saus: "What's going on?"

Gradually, she opens her eyes and sees in front of her a chaotic flow of vehicles, honking in succession, creating a melody.

She takes in a deep breath, unable to accept what's going on. Wasn't her car overturned? How can I open my eyes and see that I'm okay? She pinches her thighs, and the intense pain tells her that everything's real.

"Fuck," Qiao Chi exclaims. She then lowers her head to examine her surrounding. She's currently on a bench, dressed in a casual dress. Next to her, there's a cup of soy milk.

What happened?

Qiao Chi's mind is a bit chaotic. Didn't both the people and the car turn upside down on the road? How can I be sitting quietly by the side of the road like this?

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