Chapter 26

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Does it hurt? Of course it hurts, but he too numb to even feel it now. How long has it been? No, they've only been here for almost a day but it feels to him that he's been here for two days. It's like, Time is slowing down for him in this place.

His blood was now dried up on his hands and it's already turning brown. He looked over to his front to see (Name) who was sleeping soundly despite her hands being tied up behind her back, His heart ache at the site of her but then again he is thankful that she had no injuries except the red on her both knees.

Tyrone took a sharp breath. What's going to happen now? He asked himself that, if he ever got out, he wouldn't have any strength to carry (Name) all the way if ever something happened.

Now the thing is, is Alastor going to keep him alive just to torture him? Or is he going to kill him straight up with no mercy infront of (Name).

At some point of him digging deep inside his brain of what would be the outcome of this. Something clicked. If Alastor wanted (Name) that bad and if it's romantically then Alastor wouldn't hurt the girl but harm her mentally by keeping him in here and torture him right in front of her.

That's the worst case scenario, and Tyrone is aware that (Name) could develope as Stockholm syndrome, though he prayed that she wouldn't.

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Avis' POV

Something's odd about that grinning bitch, then again that shouldn't be out of the normal. He was always that one weird kid you'll meet inside your very own classroom. Despite being the most introverted creature he's out there, he's pretty famous for his looks especially to girls. Though, I remember (Name) being so uncomfortable and almost wanting to ran out of the room whenever he's in there. Like the last time I was about to go to the bathroom, but then stopped myself when I saw her eyes that almost shows fear, and so that's why I asked her to come with me. And she was almost thankful when I did that.

Though, I'm not gonna lie when Tyrone also confuses me. Now, part of me wants to sue Alastor, but Tyrone also. That two of them could be the culprit. But, Tyrone was also missing but that can only be the proof of him taking (Name), but also, the kidnapper could also take him which lead me to Alastor.

Everything right now doesn't make any sense. If we accuse them both and non of them were the kidnapper then we're suing an innocent person. But, there's so many possibilities.

God, I wish I wasn't ignorant as I was so I would've noticed what was happening with (Name), gah! Stupid me-

"Chill out. You seem very tense." I heard that familiar voice. I look over behind me to see Alastor with a small smile.

"Uhm, fuck you? And yeah, what are you doing here?" I asked raising a brow at him as I narrowed my eyes.

"Anthony invited me to have dinner with you guys. I was about to get home to my dorm, but then he asked me." He said as he looked at me straight in the eyes.

I just nod, "Sure, we're planning to eat on yellow cab." I said as I watch him nod.

He then walked beside me silently as I look to my other side to see my twin talking with someone on his phone. Molly and Anthony were behind us, including (Name)'s quiet older brother. I feel so sorry for the old man losing his own sister, but I'm also not going to rest until I found out who the fuck did it. Maybe give him a lesson or two and then boom, return him to the police.

Just the thought of it is making hands twitch and wanting to punch someone right now.

"I'm worried." Alastor said making my eyebrows furrowed. He sounded sincere, I don't sense any lie to it.

"Me too." I replied plainly as I watch him, seeing if his expression change but it didn't.

"Now I know (Name) was just my acquaintance, but I hope they found out the real culprit soon." Shit, i sense no lie to that. He's sincere with his very words. And his expression tells it too also.

It's making me think that Alastor was not of the culprits I'm having suspicions at right now. Damn.

"Yeah," I paused, time to pull out my trump card to see if he's expressions will change or will he either gulped or shake, "I'll drag him to hell if I ever find out who he is. No mercy given, I'll personally torture him there for taking such a sweet girl." I said, and my eyes are darted towards him and i was never taking it.

I watched him, his expression didn't change to fear, but he looked surprised, "Damn." Was all he could said.

That's giving me mix signals. But I gotta make sure he's clean, "Yeah. And I'm serious about that. I'll personally drag him down with me." I said, my voice is grim and dark hoping to see right through him.

Alastor's eyes widened just a bit. Just by a little bit as he opened his mouth for him to be able to speak, "Well, I hope they find him soon. And i wish I could join with you to torture him." He said, his voice laced with a sadistic tone as it made my eyebrows furrowed even more.

I couldn't read him. I literally couldn't.

Gdi. I was really hoping to see something, but it's still the same. Is it really not him and Tyrone instead?

This all stress is making me yawn and tired. I wish to get home quick just to sleep, I'm too lazy for this shit and this is a pain in the ass.

Third person's view

Avis watched through Alastor the whole night as they eat their own dinner inside the restaurant. Now, Alastor was aware of Avis' intent on him earlier, and he's not sure if she saw him through his lies. Some of it are, and some are not. He was indeed worried, but not for the girl or either Tyrone. He's worried that they might found out, considering that Alastor just took a fight with some people that may have the powers to see through him.

But he'll do whatever it takes to come out clean.

And he's also not sure if Avis was being serious about the whole dragging to hell thing. He sure hope she wasn't serious about that, but it's not impossible for a demon to take a human form right? Hm, he might have to ask his mother about this later when he gets home to her house.

And he wonder what's happening on Tyrone and (Name) now. He almost smirk at the thought of torturing Tyrone once again when he gets home.

Sorry if it sucks. I hope you liked it! Sorry it also took me this long to update once again~

 I hope you liked it! Sorry it also took me this long to update once again~

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