Chapter 12

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He clicked his tongue in annoyance as he gripped on his red cup causing the liquid inside to spill down to his hand then to the cold ground. He was watching from inside the house, seeing how much she enjoys herself within the crowd without being drunk. Things turned out to be harder than he thought, he thought it would be easy like his other works but it's not. Especially when she's always beside those pesky Verlassene's.

He tore his glare from her as he took a deep breath, composing himself and re-thinking of his plan. If he made a bad move then it's over, his quiet life would be ruined(See what I did there?). He doesn't want that, especially his mother would be very much disappointed in him. He doesn't want that.

But, just by seeing her standing there and having fun? It flares up his need even more. The need to tore you apart limb by limb, having your beautiful eyes all to himself. He can't wait to get his hands over your soft delicate neck as he slowly choke her out of her breath. He can't wait to break her. It's all he's been waiting ever since his eyes landed on her, his need was too strong for him to ignore. But acting out and doing things carelessly would result in big chaos.

He turned around, bringing up his signature smile and walking out of the scene. Maybe he'll just have to wait and see how this plays out. If she only were alone, then that would be a great for him.

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There it is again, the sudden felt of nervousness wrapped around you as you try to ignore by having fun. You just can't helped but to feel like you're being watched, and everytime you try to travel your eyes around your surrounding, you see no one that's technically staring at you. What's worse is that the gaze felt like there was either a need or a glare in it. It was hard to compromise what it really is.

Either way, you didn't felt safe.

Avis then walked towards you as she snaked her arm around your shoulder. Her wet locks were sticking on her face as she brought it closer to you, "You guys should go home." She said almost ina whisper and with that, she lets you go to get another bottle of alcohol. Seriously, she's going to kill her inside in such a young age(Avis is not your typical wine aunt. She's your party animal aunt if she came to an age of 25+).

You took a deep as you composed yourself, thinking of you're going to get Tyrone out of here. Kim and Qian had already gone home since Qian was already knocked out. It was a good thing that Kim didn't drink that much. But, how the hell are you going to get Tyrone home in his dorm? Augh, this is the main reason why you don't party so often.

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After a minute or so of looking for her best friend, she finally ended up in his car. Of course she knows how to drive. She is a driver's student after all, but since her family can not yet afford a car, and also, she's been planning of working on the nearest bakery shop so that she can afford herself a car. But it'll take time for her to do that, and college is hard. Opening the door as she carefully place him next to the drivers seat, she sigh and closed the door quickly heading for the drivers seat but she stopped feeling that intense stare behind her head.

She quickly whipped her head around to see a shadow lurking behind the tree. It seemed surprised that she turned around real fast as they hide themselves in the shadow and finally disappearing out of her sight. She gulped the lump on her throat as she opens the car door and heading inside with no hesitation what-so-ever.

She quickly started the engine and then turning on the radio. She felt nervous, real nervous right now. Her knee were jumping up and down as she feels anxious. She was gripping on the steering wheel of the car, but why didn't she start riding all the way her best friend's dorm? She was keeping her gaze up front as she turned up the level on the head lights.

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