Chapter Twenty Four

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Beep...... Beep........ Beep.

Can't the damn alarm snooze.

Beep.. Beep... Beep.

And who changed the ringtone.

Agggh.. I thought as I rolled on my bed,trying to reach for the damn clock.

Ouch.. Who put metal edges on my bed.

I raised my hand trying to rub my throbbing forehead and I felt a sharp pain through my hand.

Double Ouch. I screamed in my head or so I thought.

Then I heard laughter reverberating through the room causing me to open my eyes to find Blaise rolling with laughter, holding his stomach with his one hand and holding his phone with another one probably taking a video of my distress.

"What are you doing here. Where am I. And why are you shooting a video of me in distress. What's so amusing about it."

"That was hilarious. I can't believe you knocked yourself on a hospital bed.Double ouch."Blaise said still laughing which was starting to annoy me.

" Wait hospital."

"Yes spitfire. Don't tell me nuts went with your brain."Blaise said making me remember about the damn nuts in the cake that almost killed me.

" Ooooh. I now remember. I bet your girlfriend was involved in the little accident that nearly cost me my life."

"Come on Talia. You can't go on accusing people with mere fake suspicions. Scarlett was with us the whole time. How could she have poisoned you."

"She's the one who was responsible for organizing the cakes. She could have done it.She knows I am allergic to nuts. I told everyone in Bora bora." I shouted.

"Please Talie stop it. I know she hates you but to almost kill you. That's just an exaggeration."

"You know what Blaise let's leave it. Where are others. How long have I been here."

"Come Talie you can't be serious. I have been here the whole night,I promise you when we get out of here, I will find out who did this to you."

"I said leave it Blaise."

"Okay. How are you feeling. Does it hurt anywhere."he asked concerned, his eyes scanning all over my body for signs of pain.

" Except for my forehead, no.And please don't laugh or else I will throw you out."I said as I saw that Blaise was about to go to another fit of laughter.

" I wasn't going to laugh."he said covering his mouth.

I was about to answer when the door opened. Rissa ran to my bed and squeezed the life out me.

" You are fine. You don't know how worried. They didn't allow us to stay overnight and Blaise threatened to kill the doctor in order for him to stay." Rissa said still crushing my fragile bones.

Can someone get her off me, I am dying here.

I looked up to find Blaise giving Rissa a deadly look.I gave him a' help look' and for a second I thought he was going to let me suffer.

" Rissa you will kill her. Imagine her surviving allergies to be killed by you."

"Ohh..... Sorry Talie."she said sheepishly.

" Are you okay sweetie.We were so worried when Blaise called us."Nana said making me register their presence.

I had not even realized that the room was now full of people.

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