Chapter Twenty Eight

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Talie's POV

Damn I am so late. God will I ever be early in my life. I drove like a maniac through the morning traffic trying to get to the office and my PA has been calling non stop.

Today is the day I get to meet all the board members.And I am already running late.

Let's hope those old man won't give me any problems because of my age. I don't have time to argue with board members because of my stupid age. I have many things to do than to worry about my damn age.

Ring.... Ring... Damn Avyanna. I thought as I cursed my PA.

"What now Avy."I barked through the phone.

" Sorry mam. But Luke said I should call and find out where you are."

"Tell him I will be there in five minutes."I answered as I cut off the call and looked at my watch.

I still had 10 minutes to spare. Let's hope I will manage to get there in time.

And I prayed to God that Blaise won't be there. He had said he will send his PA. Unprofessional but works perfectly fine for me. I am not ready to meet him. I don't think I ever will. Let's hope he won't change his mind.

In the past six months I have visited all the hotels. I have worked as concierge, event planning, receptionist, waitress, housekeeping, you can name it all.

Luke thought it was good to learn all the jobs at the hotel. He said it was going to be easy run to the business if you knew everything about it and all the jobs involved.

And it was more like an undercover job to see how the managers treated their stuff and to do a survey where the hotels need some improvement.

That reminds me, I have four managers to fire. Three men and a woman.

One of them sleeps with the wives of the guests and some lady guests. If the guests fail to pay he tells them to pay with sex. And that's against rules. Employees are not allowed to be involved with guests let alone sleep with them.

The other one takes bribe from job applicants. If you don't pay him you won't get a job or you will have to pay him half of your salary on your first paycheck.

The last man molestes female employees. If you refuse he fires you. So he forces female employees to sleep with him in order to keep their jobs.

The lady beats up the employees.I can even testify in this one, I once got a slap for being late. Give them unreasonable hours if she hates them.

The employees are supposed to feel free and happy at their work places not feel oppressed. Happy employees means good business.

If this continues it will tarnish the hotels' names. And I can't let mere people ruin my legacy.

They will examples to all the employees that I don't tolerate incompetent people who abuse my workers. Just because you the manager it doesn't give you the right to abuse those who are under you.

After the meeting with shareholders I will be meeting with all the managers.

I parked my car and ran inside the building.Damn these heels. Who invented these death traps. I thought as I ran to the private elevator.

The door was about to be closed and I shouted to whoever was inside to hold it for me avoiding the curious people.

"Mam the elevator is not for public use."the receptionist shouted as I gave her an evil smirk when the doors closed.

When I turned around, I was engulfed by huge arms that made me scream murder.

" Talie."a relieved voice said as the person squeezed me to death.

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