Chapter Twenty Seven

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Blaise's POV

"What do you mean you can't find her. Is she a ghost. No human can leave without a trace.Don't call when you have nothing. Put more people, I pay you a lot of money."I cut off the call before my PI answered.

I stood up from my office chair and looked out my window. The view was phenomenal but it did nothing to my gloomy mood.

How can a poor person just dissappear like this. Has she found someone.

That thought didn't sit well with me.

It's been six months since Talie left. I have tried to bribe Clari to tell me where she is but to no avail.

She says she doesn't know where she is but I can bet with all the billions that I have, I know she is lying, she is the only one who knows where Talie is.

Isn't family supposed to come first.

It was about a month or so after the hotel fiasco when I found out the truth.

I was so furious that I even punched both Xavier and Nathan. Clari survived because she was a woman and my little sister if not I would have strangled her to death.

I was so angry and guilty about the insults I had thrown to Talie. Then I recalled the insults she had thrown my way too and all the guilty left. We were even. That girl's tounge is so sharp it can slice you into pieces.

It took me two months after that to realize that I actually missed and cared about her. I never even once thought that they would come a day where I would miss her, let alone admit it to myself.

And that's when I hired a PI to find her. I don't know what I will do when I find her.

I know we are like water and oil, but aren't opposites supposed to attract.

I have realized that she is so different from Gabriella. The only thing that they have in common is that they are both poor.

Talie is more of a woman than what Gabriella was. With Talie, what you see is what you get. Her pride, reserved character, stubbornness, caring nature though she will never admit it, are all her. Nothing is fake.

When she hates, she hates and when she loves she does without limit. She may not have said but I know she loved Lasze, Noelle and Clari to no bounds.

I guess that's what makes me lo..... No.... No..
No.... I panicked. I can't fall for her.

Then why are you looking for her to all the ends of the world?Shut up you stupid inner self.

I can't fall for Talie. My feelings will never be recorporated.

She may have a little love in her heart but that love is also clouded by hatred, bitterness and anger.

She's angry with the world. And for the first time since I met her I asked myself why is she like this?

What really happened to Talie? Did someone hurt her?

And if they did, I swear with everything that I have I will make the person pay. They will rue the day they decided to mess with my dove.

If only I could find a clue to where she is. Even her Nana and Pa are nowhere to be found.

In their old home there's an old lady living there and taking care of the house. But she doesn't know anything about them.

Speaking of old lady, I think Nonna may know something about Talie.

I saw recognition on the day we went to their house. I never took it seriously but now my gut is telling me she knows a lot about Talie.

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