Chapter Fourteen

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Ring.... Ring..... Ring... Ring...

'Who has a damn death wish to wake me up so early' I say to myself.

I pick up my phone and answer without checking out the caller's name.

"You better have a good reason to wake me up so early, if not, consider yourself dead." I yell on the phone.

"Hello to you too Talie. You're the one who should consider herself dead. You are sleeping when you are supposed to be ready by now. We will be there in thirty minutes and if you are not done consider yourself left behind,by the way it's 10 a.m."

Damn.... Damn... Damn.... How could I forget. I am in deep shit. Blaise will rejoice if I am left behind.

" I will be done by then. And I don't care whether I am left behind or not."I answer her.

" Don't you dare even try missy.I will drag you naked if I have to."she says.

" You wouldn't dare"

"Try me Talie, try me. Besides you are wasting time while squabbling with me. It's twenty seven minutes left"

"What. But you are the one who is busy lecturing me here.You know what I don't care whether I am late or not, if you guys leave me it will be a blessing anyway."

With that Clarissa ended the call. So rude. She didn't even bother answering me back.

I look at the clock and run to the bathroom. I was left with twenty five minutes.

Fifteen minutes later I was done, fully clothed and dragging my suitcase down the stairs. Thank heavens Clarissa had packed it the day before.

We had gone for shopping few days back and believe me I am never going to shopping with Clarissa ever again.

I had to spend the whole day at the mall just for clothes and bikinis I was going to wear just for five days.But the clothes we bought were enough for a whole month.

I leave the suitcase on the last step and rub my back. Call me lazy but if you see me next to that suitcase kill me. I will only get close to it when I am unpacking only.

It is so heavy. It feels as if I am carrying a dead corpse. I will have to ask Pa to carry it to Blaise's car,it really needs man power.

I make my way to the kitchen to see Nana and Pa having breakfast.

"Morning."I greet them.

" Morning sweetheart, how was your night." Nana asks.

"Morning sweetie pie." Pa greets back.

"It was fine and yours."I answer her piling my plate with food.

" Good. Eat fast Clarissa will be here soon. I am glad you have friends now. You have been cooped up here for so long. Please enjoy and forget about your problems even if it's five days. Just leave them at the door you will pick them up when you come back okay. I love you baby and I will miss you."Nana says crying.

" Don't cry Nana. I promise I will leave my problems at the door. Who knows maybe they will even run away while I am gone."I say making them both laugh.

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