Chapter Sixteen

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I can't sleep. I have been tossing and turning on my bed.

I get off the bed and  look out the window and see waves. I opened the windows that led me to the balcony.

I lean on the balcony and felt cool breeze hitting my body giving me goosebumps.

I closed my eyes, inhaled and exhaled deeply. I felt myself calming deeply.

But I wanted more, I wanted to be near the beach, feel the sand on my feet.

I put on my night gown and left the room. When I got outside the cool air hit me with full force making me shiver. I drew my gown closer trying to get warmth until my body adjusted to the temperature.

I walked to the beach hearing the sound of the waves, and  the sand on my feet fighting off any feelings of anxiety making me calm.

Moon was at its magical best, trying to make the waters of the sea shine. The waves of the sea were roaring and when they hit the shore it was like a volcanic eruption.

During the day  the waves, were coming from a distance. But  now you only see them when they hit the shore.

The meeting of waves and shore was like gentle friendly chitchat during the day, but now it is more like the violent annihilation of two lovers into each other.

I wonder if the sea is violent every day or it is also under the spell of the full moon that is supposed to turn on a bit of madness in all of us.

The only word to describe this is magical. I sat down watching the sea do it's magic until water splash on me, making me yearn for more.

I decided to do skin dipping. No one would be awake at this time of the night.

I looked around to make sure no one was awake. I took off my clothes  except for my panties and laid them neatly away from the moonlight for safety reasons.One can never be too sure.

I got into the water making my body quiver at the sudden change of temperature.

When my body had adjusted to the temperature, I began to swim. I swam until I couldn't feel my limbs anymore.

I was floating on the water when I felt someone jumping into the water, splashing me, making me scream covering my boobs.

"What are you doing here."Blaise and I ask at the same time.

" Can one ever get away from you. Even in the middle of the night you are still  like a pest in my life."I say frustrated.

" The same goes for you mi palomino. You are still a spitfire even in the middle of the night."

"You know what, I don't have time for this.I don't need you to spoil my peace. "I said getting out of the water making my way to where I left my clothes still covering my breasts.

" We seem to be agreeing to a lot of things right now,Spitfire."he said going under the water.

I just put on a robe and held my pajamas with my hands. I didn't want to expose my body to this idiot any longer.

"Call me that one more time, I will drown you and leave you there to die."I said making him emerge from the water and look at me.

" You know you're very blessed both behind and forepart."he said smirking.

" Huuuh."I ask confused.

" I mean you are a double bubble,Spitfire. Few are lucky in that department."he said wiggling his eyebrows.

" You pervet.You are an animal Blaise,you deserve to be at the zoo."

"What, mi palomino, you just dangled everything for me to see."

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