A break-up and a new start

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Hey guys, I'm sorry that it's been a long while. But here is an update on what's happened...

I found a new job last year where I can work from home, which has been perfect. Around that time I also went to a small party with a couple of friends. I met a guy there and we ended up dating. He didn't like bigger girls so I started trying to lose weight. I started going to a dance class that he helped me find. I was the biggest girl there and I really struggled. I went once a week and on my way home I passed a McDonalds so I began stopping there on my way home for a meal before I went home for dinner. I think I lost a bit of weight, but not a noticeable amount. Maybe it was because I wasn't stuffed all the time. Some other things in our relationship weren't really working out too, I think we just weren't very compatible. I ended things with him last week and have actually been feeling fine. I was a bit scared to end it but I'd already come to terms with it in my mind beforehand. I've been able to start eating what I want again so no regrets in that regard. Because I've been working from home, I always have something to eat close by.

Today I bought some heavy cream, which I haven't had in a while. My mouth is watering just thinking about it. I got some chocolates too. I want to start stuffing myself on a daily basis again. I know the consequences but it just feels so good. My stretch marks have faded but maybe I can't get them to appear again. I haven't weighted myself but I'm definitely less. Do you guys have any recommendations for food to eat that would help me feel absolutely stuffed and bloated?

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