Hanging out with a friend

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June 30 2020

Today I planned to hang out with one of my friends and so I limited myself to two bowls of cereal. I hadn't seen this friend for a while so I was scared of what she was gonna think of my weight or say about it. I didn't want to be stuffed or bloated when she came round. I tried not to eat too much and I got quite hungry. Poor belly. I wore leggings and my baggy hoodie to conceal the damage I'd done with all the food I'd been struggling to resist over the month. Aside from my thighs, it looked convincing in the mirror. I had pulled my leggings over my belly to suppress the obvious bludge a bit. My friend arrived and everything was good and I made her lunch and we ate. It felt weird eating only one serving of food lol. I was still hungry afterwards but I ignored myself. I thought she hadn't noticed my weight gain until I had to get a couple glasses out of my top cabinet. I guess my hoodie rode up as I reached up, exposing my hanging belly. She didn't bring it up right away though, she just started asking about how the covid quarantine period was for me and what I got up to. I answered honestly: I spent most my time watching Netflix and eating food. (Though my real gain happened following quarantine). She nodded and that was all. So I think she saw the hang of my belly tucked into my leggings, and tried to make me bring up the topic of my weight. Later on she invited me to her gym session but I declined haha. I would've said yes but I didn't want to embarrass myself at a gym. Especially with all these recent extra pounds, I've been feeling a little subconscious in public.
We ended up going for a walk and I noticed myself getting out of breath reasonably quickly. My thighs were rubbing too. If I don't slow down I'll be waddling soon to compensate for all this weight. By the time my friend left I was ravenous. I started off my afternoon by ordering an extra large stuffed crust pizza. While I waited for that to be delivered, I tucked into some ice cream and oreos. I got to let my belly out of my leggings finally. About the time that the pizza arrived, I remembered I still had to drink 1.5 pints of heavy cream so that it doesn't pass it's expiry date. I almost regretted buying so much heavy cream, but I had to do it. I poured one carton into a large glass to have with my pizza. I was sitting at my table to eat and I ended up having to slide down to recline a little as my belly filled up. The pizza really stuffed me. It wasn't the most stuffed I'd felt but it definitely did some damage. My belly was hard and heavy, especially with all the heavy cream in there. I managed to get both the pizza and heavy cream down. I feel like such a pig every time I eat a whole extra large pizza by myself. When I stood up after stuffing myself, my stomach felt so round and heavy. I could feel it weighing me down. I've really stretched it with my inability to resist food.
I drank about 1.5L of soda before dinner came around to keep my belly bulging. I tried to tuck the hang back into my leggings but it looked so silly haha. I'm definitely chubby. Also my arms are starting to get fatter too. Some of my shirt sleeves are beginning to fit quite tightly.
For dinner I made a lasagne. I haven't made one in a while so I thought it'd be time haha. It was a large dish and I cut it into 12 squares. I sat there at my bench with my belly out and ate slice after slice. I was already very stuffed and bloated from the pizza earlier and soda but I crammed in what I could. It just felt so good to have a full satisfied belly. After eating 6 pieces along with some heavy cream, I went to examine myself in the mirror. I looked enormous and my gut was so distended. It was achey too. Maybe I over did it lol. I really looked pregnant. I tried to pull my tank top over my bulge and it wouldn't stay down... I've definitely gained a noticeable amount of fat. Now I'm in bed rubbing my achey belly. It's still so huge and distended hehe.

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