Old jeans

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June 29 2020

Today I began with my usual three bowls of cereal. But before I ate anything I found these jeans that I haven't worn for maybe six months. So I decided to wear them today and man they were really tight... I've definitely gained weight this month and my belly has grown. When I pulled them on this morning it was a bit of a fight haha. I had to do a bit of a dance but I was determined to get my growing thighs and chubby belly into them. I got them on eventually but realised I still had to zip and button them. When I used to wear these jeans, I remember my belly didn't really hang and they fitted comfortably and I had not trouble putting them on. I felt so enormous struggling to squeeze myself into them this morning, and I hadn't even eaten anything yet! I found it nearly impossible to get them zipped up over my belly - I ended up laying down on my bed and forcing my fat into the waistband and then struggled to zip them up. When I stood up, the jeans were so tight and I exhibited a huge muffin top. When I walked they felt like they were going to rip. So that I didn't have to move while I ate breakfast, I prepared three large bowls with milk and cereal before sitting down. When I sat, my belly pushed hard against my waistband and I couldn't lean forward. So I sat back a little and began piling cereal into my mouth. Very quickly my belly bloated up in response to the milk and it got achey wanting to expand with the tight jeans on. It was like torture, but it serves me right for gaining all this weight recently. It forced me to accept how chubby and glutinous I'd become. I managed to force all three bowls down without pausing. The top of my belly protruded out of my jeans as it was very bloated and full. I had to give myself a moment before standing up. My belly was so achey.
By the time I needed to go to work, I'd consumed 1 pint of heavy cream, left over pasta and four packs of instant noodles. I kept my belly stuffed and bloated all day, despite the restriction the jeans created. My appetite definitely won over my tight pants hehe. For work, I took with me my drink bottle filled with 1 pint of heavy cream and a thick Nutella sandwich. I was a bit sneaky and used three slices of bread for the sandwich - so it was like this: bread, Nutella, bread, Nutella, bread. I hoped that this would fill me up during my break. I had to take off the jeans for work and my belly appreciated this. I grew quite hungry at work so when my break came around I finished the sandwich and filled the remains gaps in my stomach with the heavy cream. I even finished the cream and felt like there was still room for more, but I unfortunately didn't have anymore food with me. However this filled my up enough to get through without my belly growling. So today I got down two pints of heavy cream. I'm thinking I may be able to finish all the cartons a couple days before they expire lol. I'll see how I go. I took home some leftover spaghetti from work and had that for dinner. On my way home I noticed myself getting quite out of breath... it's going to get hard carrying around this extra weight and counting. I tucked into the spaghetti when I got home and managed to pack it all in. It was probably enough to feed two people and I ate it in one sitting. I couldn't help myself, I just wanted to feel huge and helpless. Now I'm laying here feeling exactly that. Can someone reassure me if I'm doing well?

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