I'm back!

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June 27 2020

Hey guys, sorry for the delay! I've been super busy with life and I don't think I'll have time to write so often here. However, I will do my best to keep updating as I really like the comments I am getting. It's really encouraging.

I will fill you in on what's been happening with me this month...
So I ended up having to move out of my place and into a new one. It's a little smaller but it's good. I'm closer to my new job, which I'm absolutely loving. I'm a waitress at a restaurant nearby, so I get to be around really good food all evening. It's a bit torturous actually! I have to make sure I stuff myself before work so that when I get there I don't get so hungry smelling all the food. When I do get hungry at work I feel like I have to restrain myself. They serve things like burgers, pizzas, pastas and roast meats. Sort of like diner food. I only get a couple short breaks so I don't get that much time to really satisfy my hungry belly at work, but I try to bring filling food so that I can at least stop myself from starving and craving the food I carry to tables. Most of the other staff don't even eat during their break but I don't think I could last lol.
So aside from the new changes in my life, I've been generously feeding myself, so don't worry 😉. I've definitely packed on some weight this month. So I weighed in at 189 lbs on June 4th. I last weighed myself on June 24th (20 days after previous weigh-in) and the scale read exactly 204 lbs! So I guess now I'm on my way into the 200's with no will to slow down my calorie intake... there are so many foods I just love, and writing these entries always make me feel hungry because I'm thinking about food lol. I stuffed myself so damn much in the last couple days so I wouldn't be surprised if I already weigh a little more...

I've also updated my profile picture. Though I am slouching forward a bit in it, I have not noticed the weight gain much physically. But my belly is hanging a little more I think. What do you think?

Most of my days recently have consisted of ensuring my belly remains full from when I wake up to when I go to work in the evening. For work breaks, I try to pack filling foods like thick Nutella sandwiches or creamy pasta. I've been scared to take more than one container of food incase I'm judged or someone says something about it. But the one container hasn't been satisfying my growing hunger :(. So, for the past four days I've filled up a large non-transparent drink bottle with heavy whipping cream. It was only today at work that I actually managed to finish the heavy cream within the time constraints of my lunch break. Before today, I hadn't been able to drink it all within the 15 minutes as well as eat the snack I packed. We have to wear this apron thingy and while I was sitting drinking the cream today, my belly bloated and pushed up tightly against it. I had to re-tie it so my poor belly was comfortable.

For breakfast recently, I've increased my portion to three bowls of cereal and milk. It started off quite challenging and I had to take a break before my third bowl, but in the past few days I've been able to eat bowl after bowl, filling my belly to its max. with a new chocolately cereal I started getting, and bloating it with the large amount of milk. I go through nearly a whole bottle of milk a day! Sometimes cereal is also my after-dinner snack hehe :). I just stop stuffing myself. Some days after work there will be food left over as some dishes are prepped earlier in the day. So I take home what I can and I've made a rule that I have to eat what I bring home before I sleep. Today I brought home three beef burgers. I was hungry so I started eating on my walk home. I finished a one and a half of them before I even got here. Then I sat down on the couch and watched Netflix with a 2L Coke and a burger in either hand. I felt like a total pig. The burgers did not leave my hands until I'd finished every bite. My belly got rapidly full and achey, especially with the fizzy soda. I was so huge and bloated from that. I'm not sure I could survive if I was given more than three burgers to take home from work. I kept sipping at the soda, forcing my belly to its limit - a punishment for growling in hunger while I was working. I should have stuffed myself more before I went to work. I got as much coke into me as I could fit and my belly was painfully bloated. I had to get up carefully and hold my belly as I walked slowly to my bed. I rubbed my belly for a bit and now here I am, writing this. The bloating has gone down quite a bit and I know I can eat more treats before I sleep. I might go do that lol! I think I will also do another weigh-in tomorrow. Bye for now :)

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