Day off and a big stuffing

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June 28 2020

This morning I ate my three bowls of cereal at breakfast. I also tried to chug a bit of extra milk afterwards. I felt a little nauseous but I held it all in, as I really wanted it all to digest so I could keep packing on pounds. I really loved the way my belly felt this morning when it was so packed, and I'd barely been awake for an hour. I snacked a little bit between breakfast and lunch. For lunch I made this large cheesy pizza with a thick base and absolutely stuffed myself. I felt like a boulder I was so full afterwards! Thinking about it now there was no way I could've eaten the whole thing at the beginning of the month. I can't believe how quickly my appetite has grown. I sometimes feels like I could just sit down at a buffet and continuously eat for most of the day.
While my belly digested all the pizza I'd forced into it, I made a shopping list. When my belly had deflated a little, I went to the store to top up my food supply. Now that I had a job I could afford to buy myself a lot more treats...
Here are some of the things I ended up getting:

• pizza bases
• oreos
• 5 pints of ice cream
• a large chocolate cake
• multiple packets of pasta and noodles
• Nutella
• heavy whipping cream (10 cartons 😬)
• five 2L bottles of soda
• milk, cereal and bread
• cake mix
• chocolate 🍫

So with all that in my trolley I was feeling pretty self conscious, but the pig in me pushed me to buy all this. I really couldn't help myself. Even though I'd stuffed myself before going to the store, my mouth still watered at some of the food and I even got cravings. I did not have work today so I ended up spending the rest of the day binging a bit. This haul of food is meant to last me till halfway through next week but I don't think that's going to happen...
I couldn't resist the chocolate cake when I got home. It's the same cake that I challenged myself to eat all of earlier this month. Because I didn't have a shift today, I decided I would revisit this challenge to assess my growing appetite. I removed my tight shirt and unzipped my pants before indulging. I cut the cake into eight pieces and ate one by one as I laid on the couch watching my show. I went slow as I was still quite stuffed from earlier. I also opened a carton of heavy whipping cream to wash the cake down with. My goal with the cream was to finish the 10 pints before their expiry date in 1 week. That means I need to be consuming about 1 ½ cartons per day. I stuffed myself with the cake more quickly than I thought, only needing to take a break before I forced down the last two pieces. I felt so full and huge afterwards. I laid back on the couch and rubbed my poor stuffed belly for a while. Eating an entire cake is difficult work, but this time was easier than last time. I feel so proud of myself for the amount I ate today. My stomach feels so stretched and flabby. In the mirror today I observed some stretch marks starting to form on the sides and bulge of my belly. I'm growing fast and I can't help myself. I also weighed myself after my cake stuffing. I was interested to see what the number would be, as last time I weighed myself on an empty stomach. Today I was 209lbs. God I've pigged out so much these past few days, so I'm not surprised. Even though that huge stuffing contributed to my weight today, I will be at 300 in no time...
I didn't eat much until dinner, just Oreos with some soda. I had regained most of my appetite by dinner so I cooked up a packet of pasta meant to feed a family of four. I added a creamy Alfredo sauce to it. It was so filling but I managed to stuff down maybe ¾ of it in one sitting. My belly is sitting stuffed and heavy like a rock in my lap. I'm now sipping at some heavy cream for desert and I feel like I'm going to pop. Yet the cream is making me bloat up and I'm surprised that my belly can get this large. I'm going to sleep well tonight hehe. My belly is hard and distended and I feel like I'm forcing it past it's limit by gulping down this heavy cream. But I need to finish at least half of this pint so that I don't let any go past it's expiry date. My belly is the biggest it's ever felt. I'll need to get new jeans soon. These ones are beginning to feel quite tight even when I'm not bloated like this. I had to undo them before I started eating dinner so my belly was not restricted. I'm going to go lay down now, so I'll see you in my next entry :)

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