New Class

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I slept soundly until I was woken up by the sound of a door opening. I hear the footsteps of the 2 titans before one of them turned the lights on. I covered my eyes as I adjust to the new light and groan because of it. "Good morning Essie, it's your first day in your new class today!" Says Clara enthusiastically. I refuse to move and snuggle myself futher in my duvet. "Cmon munchkin it's time to get up." I hear the panel of my bed being unzipped and one of them pick me up. I barely open my eyes, still sensitive to the light. I think It's Marcus carrying me. He carries me all the way to the cafeteria with Clara following behind. I have woken up enough to actually see properly now. As I'm sat in the high chair I hold my head tiredly on my shoulders as I look at my surroundings. I am given the menu and I just choose a bowl of crunchy nut cornflakes as my cereal and chocolate milk as my drink.
Soon enough my breakfast is brought over and a bib is put on me. Clara asks Marcus to feed me as she says she's going to get things set up in my room, then she leaves us and Marcus begins to spoon feed me the cereal. I eat my food well but I didn't finish all of my bottle of chocolate milk as my tummy started to feel unwell. When we were finished Markus carries me to my room and as we go in I see Clara has already set up my new outfit and the changing table with all the things she needs. Markus carried me over to the bathroom and he brushes my teeth for me and washes my face with a flannel. Clara then takes me from him and she lays me down on the changing table in my room.
Clara untapes my nappy before giving me a clean. I feel like I need to do a number 2 so I sign toilet and Clara takes me and sits me on the toilet, standing at the doorway as I do my business. I struggle but manage to do this and when I was done Clara carried me over and laid me back on the changing table, cleans me before putting a clean nappy on me. She then starts dressing me in a white dress thats all frilly but I hate how this dress feels as the roughness hurts and scratches my skin so I made my unhappy sounds as I pull the dress off. Pointing to the dresser signalling I want to wear something different as I throw the dress on the floor. Clara doesnt say anything as she goes to the dresser. Marcus standing by me to make sure I don't fall. Clara holds up a plain pink and white striped top and a baby blue dress. I point to the top as I don't really like wearing dresses and skirts. Without saying anything she then gives me a choice between jeans and leggings. I choose the jeans and Clara comes back over to me and starts to get me dressed. I see Marcus is packing my backpack with clothes and nappies and my comfort things etc. When he was done he hung it on the back of my buggy. I was dressed by this point but Clara was brushing my hair.
"You look lovely Essie." Clara smiles. "It's time to go to class now." Once I was put and buckled into my buggy Marcus says "Let's go!" Enthusiastically as Clara pushes me and Marcus follows beside us. Glancing at me every now and again along the way. We come through a school looking department and go down a few wide hallways and down 2 narrower hallways before reaching the classroom door. It has lots of pictures on the door, faces of Littles, including mine, and of other pictures like different coloured numbers, an apple, a pencil and school related sort of pictures.
I am brought inside and Markus helps me out the buggy. I stare at my surroundings as I see quite a few littles have already arrived. There are Titan sized things like a desk and computer and there are lot of me sized things like the toys, tables and chairs. It looked more like a daycare centre than a class room. There was also a big round rug with a rainbow pattern on it, with different coloured beanbags around it to match. There was a nice big long window where you can easily see a beautiful part of the forest from. There were 2 other doors that I am yet to discover where they lead too. That was as much as I could absorb before a titan lady came up to me and bent down to meet my gaze but I instantly turned my head looking away from her as it's too much for me to absorb the thousands of details one face can hold for now. I feel overwhelmed enough as it is I think if I looked at this lady I will make myself feel more ill and fuzzy headed.
"Welcome Essie! I am your new class teacher Miss White. We are very happy to have you join us today! You can wonder around for five more minutes before it's circle time ok?" I didn't give her any response. I feel intimidated by how close she is to me, especially her face it's like it's right up to me. Seriously lady give me some personal space I am processing a lot of new stuff right now not to mention I had a rubbish day yesterday and still havn't been able to grieve over the fact that I will never see my parents, Tina and Mossy nor childhood home ever again. I've got a lot to deal with right now, no wonder I don't feel myself.
I think I need some quiet time to myself as I'm starting to freak out. I walk over to a quiet corner next to the big window and I enjoy looking outside through it. Seeing the forest helps calm me, forests and being in nature have always had that effect on me. I sit quietly just looking around, taking glances from the window to what's going on in the class, and back to the window again. Thinking through tiny pieces of all that's recently happned to me. I am not able to think through much though as I hear a triangle ding 3 times. It's the teacher, after the 3rd ding she speaks out to the class saying "Circle time everyone! Please come sit on a beanbag."
I don't want to join them. I feel too shy, and I want to think through things as my whole being is telling me I desperately need to. "Essie? Can you come sit honey it's circle time!" I turn my head back towards the window. Marcus comes over and picks me up, carrying me over the the big rug and popping me on a beanbag. I don't react to any of this but I can tell you now that I already feel fed up with this whole thing.
"Right now that we are all gathered together!" The teacher says in a sing song voice. "Let's start by doing the hello song and then we will do some introductions for our new member." She grabs a maraca from behind her back and starts shaking it. As she starts to sing all the other littles join in except me. This is a different hello song to the one I know. I don't like this one I much prefer Mr Tumbles version.
The teacher and littles continue to sing:
🎶Hello, Hello
Can you clap your hands?
Hello, Hello!
Can you clap your hands?
Can you stretch up high?
Can you touch your toes?
Can you turn around?
Can you say, "Hello"?
Hello, Hello!
Can you stamp your feet?
Hello, Hello!
Can you stamp your feet?
Can you stretch up high?
Can you touch your toes?
Can you turn around?
Can you say, "Hello"?
Hello, Hello!
Can you clap your hands?
Hello, Hello!
Can you stamp your feet?🎶

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