First time Shopping with Essie

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—Daniel's pov—
Right, I have done everything I can think of to prepare Essie to go out the house and do her first food shop in the Titan community. I have made social stories, added pictures and a visual shopping list. I got ear defenders,her aac, sensory toys and she will be strapped in her baby carrier seat which will be strapped to the trolley.
I'm so nervous, I don't know how she will react.

—Narrators pov—
Johnny comes round the corner and sees Daniel stressed. He goes up to him
"Hey, stressing yourself out about it ain't gonna help you ya know."
Daniel nods and takes a deep breath. Johnny put his hand on Daniel's shoulder and says "if you want I'll come to for emotional support." Daniel replies "yes that would be much appreciated."

—Essie's pov—
I look at my aac and see pictures of this supermarket shop we're going to today. I glance at the shopping list Daddy and I made together. As he got me to choose some pictures and Velcro it on the list.there is also other stuff on there that he added on himself. I look up and see Daddy coming.
"Are you ready to go in the care now?" Daddy says to me before he picks me up and carries me out the house and towards his car. I notice Johnny grab some things, he's following us, is he coming with us?

Daddy buckles me in my car seat as I watch Johnny approach the car. Daddy shuts the door and both titans get in. Guess that answers my question. I don't mind Johnny but he still feels like a stranger to me. Whereas I don't even remember when I started calling daddy daddy. I do remember his name, but it feels like he's been my daddy a long time now. Ever since he took care of me at the adoption centre.

It wasn't a long drive to the shop. I look out the window the whole drive. I still can't believe how huge everything is here! I'm still not used to seeing all the little humans and the big titans together either. This world is dauntingly big.

We've arrived. Daddy lifts me out my car seat but straight away straps me in my carrier seat. He then carries me in the seat by the handle above me. It sways gently forwards and back as he walks along. We get to the entrance and I'm lifted higher in the seat and then placed down in a trolley. Johnny puts the shopping bags on the trolley whilst daddy has some straps and goes behind me. I hear the straps tighten behind me. He must be strapping my seat to the trolley.

When he's done daddy pushes the trolley and Johnny walks beside him as we enter the humongous supermarket. The sensation is weird as I'm going backwards and I only see a narrow view of Daddy and what's behind him. It's a bumpy ride with the trolley wheels outside but smooths out into a gliding sensation once we're inside.
I see we stop by some fruits. Daddy gets out shopping list out and shows me the fruit on there. Bananas,grapes,nectarines and strawberries. Daddy says to me "I want you to take off the picture of the things I put in the trolley" I nod.
Whilst daddy looks at the fruit the more I realise just how noisy it is in here. The high pitched beeps from machines especially hurt my head and ears. I put my fingers in my ears and make my stressed grumble noises.
When daddy put up the bananas in the trolley he notices me and grabs something in my backpack. My ear defenders! He also gives me a couple of toys, a rattle and a tactile toy. He also tries to put my sunglasses on but I push them away as I want to see what goes on around me.
We're on the move again. Oh I'm meant to take bananas off the list now. I take the Velcro picture off the list and stick it on the back of the list.

—Daniel's pov—
So far so good. Essie is being really good. I think the toys and ear defenders are really helping her. She's done well with keeping track where we are on the shopping list too. She's looking tired now but we still need to get toiletries and the frozen stuff. I hope she can last until then.

—Essie's pov—
I'm getting fed up of this now. I want to go home! I've had enough of the noise and the busy crowds and being stuck here. I want to finish!
I kick my legs angrily and try to rock back and forth but can't do it very well since everything is strapped in. Daddy notices my kicking, he says "we just need to get toiletries and frozen food baby, you're doing so well, we can go to the playground after this if you want. I'll try and be as quick as I can." He gives me a smile and then talks to Johnny. He nods and then leaves us! Where is he going! Where are we going! I want to get out of here aaaargh!
I carry on trying to rock back and forth the best I can. Daddy knows I'm not happy as I'm making my stressed noises too. As we stop by some was stuff he shows me the shopping list. "Can you make sure daddy gets these things next." He points at bubble bath,shampoo, conditioner and a bath toy. I take off the pictures as I see daddy put the stuff in. When it got to the bath toy daddy picked some up and put them on my lap. "You can choose 2 toys Essie" daddy says to me. I put my left hand on some water stacking cups, and my right hand on a rainbow spiny thingy. "Well done baby girl!" Daddy gives me a big smile and out the other toys back on the shelf and he puts my chosen toys in the trolley.
I take of bath toy picture and out it on the back of the shopping list.

—15 minutes later—
We're finally out!!! Freedom!!! I take my ear defenders off and I try to sit up and try to see how far away we are from the car.
My tummy grumbles. Both my tummy and my ears hurt. I make grabby hands at daddy. "Hang on a second little one, we're nearly at the car" he says.
Once we stop at the car daddy then asks me "what's the matter darling?" I sign eat then daddy says "can you be patient for daddy.we're going to have a picnic at the playground so it will be about 10 minutes." I whine in response. Daddy just picks me up and buckles me in my car seat. Making sure I have my toys with me.
Daddy and Johnny pack the car boot with the shopping then Johnny takes the trolley back. I'm glad Johnny came back when we went to the tills earlier. I didn't want him to get lost.
We drive on for a short time when we arrive at the playground. Daddy puts my reins on me as he gets me out the car seat. He lifts me down to the ground. Finally I can stretch my legs. I try to run to the playground but obviously I am stopped by the reins daddy is holding.
We send up walking to a grassy bit near the playground. Daddy gives the reigns to Johnny and says something to him. Daddy then lays out a picnic blanket and Johnny starts walking to the playground, bringing me with him. I then run towards the playground again and Johnny jogs beside me.
He lets me in through the gate and I head to the tallest thing in the playground, the castle.

—Daniel's pov—
I cannot believe how well that all went. She was very close to having a meltdown near the end but keeping her engaged on the task at hand help distract her. I told Johnny she can play for five minutes whilst I set the picnic up and then she can play again for longer after we've eaten. I chuckle as I watch her run towards the wooden castle structure, I bet you she's going to go right to the top of the tallest tower.

—Johnny's pov—
Gosh Essie is fast for a little one. But she can't outrun me since she's so little. She's making life tricky for me as I try to stop the reins from getting tangled as she climbs up this castle. "Wait for me little rascal" I say as she tries to climb through this narrow bit.

—Essie's pov—
I am on a mission. To climb to the top of the tallest tower! I'm annoyed that I have the reins on as it's holding me back. Johnny is so slow as he crawls through the tunnel. He's like a silverback gorilla trying to get into a playhouse.
I climb  up this ladder and once I'm at the top I look at the playground kingdom below with pride. I giggle and jump victorious as I'm now the queen of the castle! When I look behind me I see only Johnny's head peak through the tower hole. I laugh out loud and pat his head. He doesn't look amused which makes me giggle even more.
"Cmon down now pipsqueak, daddy has got food ready". I look towards where Johnny is looking and I see daddy is sitting on the grass waiting for us.
Johnny crouches down to make room for me to climb down. I think I'll go another way. I giggle evilly as I catch Johnny by surprise pulling the rein off his wrist and then I crawled over the edge of the castle and hang off the side before letting go and landing on the ground. "Essie!" I hear Johnny shout angrily. I do another cheeky evil giggle as I run towards the playground gate.
I try pulling the gate open but it won't budge. I realise there's a lock and try to decipher it.
Unfortunately Johnny got to me first and he picked me up and gave me a scary grumpy face before saying "that was naughty little girl".
He carries me all the way to the picnic. I feel disappointed when I also see a grumpy looking face on daddy, poop he must had seen the whole thing from here. Johnny places me on the ground and I just sit there avoiding to look at either of them. "You're only going to get 10 minutes playtime at the playground after we finished eating Essie. As you were naughty trying to escape from Johnny. You could have gotten yourself hurt falling from that tower."
After Daddy finished what he said, he then put a plate of food in front of me, as well as a sippy cup of juice. I gingerly pick up a cocktail sausage and munched away quietly. Daddy and Johnny chatted with each other whilst they ate.

—Johnny's pov —
Daniel is now pushing Essie on the swings. She's doing her happy sounds and flapping. I'm packing away what's left of the picnic and putting the stuff in the car whilst I wait for them. It was only 10 minutes so didn't have to wait long.
Then we headed home. Essie played with Dash when we got back. Then she played with her toys, we had dinner.She likes joining in on the daily evening dog walk in her buggy. We do the usual route round the village through the dog park and back. Then Daniel does his bedtime routine with Essie. I like the peace and quiet during this time as I get to watch tv shows on the big living room tv that I don't get to watch when Essie is up. I sip my beer and pat Dash who's on my lap.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2023 ⏰

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