You will want to read this.

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This story is written by a British person so you will see words like dummy for pacifier and cot for crib, sofa for couch etc.

Also this story has autism related words in such as stimming. Stimming stands for self stimulatory behaviours. People with Autism and other conditions do stimming for several reasons. Mainly to regulate the adrenaline in their body but also for self expression, and sensory seeking purposes.

Essie (the main character) has soft short dirty blond colour hair, pale skin and deep blue eyes. She also has cute freckles that go along the bridge of her nose and partly on her cheeks. (Cover picture represents Essie). I will leave it up to your imagination of what Essie's mum and dad look like :)
I will give a general description of the 3 titans later but again outside of that I will leave it to your imagination of the finer details of what they look like :)

Essie is mostly non verbal (which means she doesn't talk much). She does a lot of vocal stimming to regulate her excitement and or other strong emotions like fear, stress, happiness etc. She also uses her vocal stimming to express herself which those who get to know her learn to tell which are happy sounds, stressed sounds, I need help sounds, you get the point.

Essie also does a lot of behavioural stims such as flapping wrists. Rocking back and forth, swaying her head side to side, jumping etc. This is both for the combination of regulating adrenaline caused by sensory stimuli and or strong emotions.

Due to Essie's multiple learning difficulties and autism she has no awareness of danger which for Essie means she climbs everything and anything, tends to bolt into running in public and needs visual reinforcement from pictures when being told lots of new information.

Essie REALLY struggles with eye contact. She finds eyes too intense to look at as she feels peoples gaze on her even if they are behind her back. So looking directly at eyes is way too intense for her. She only looks at people directly when they are not looking at her. If they are looking at her then their best bet is that she will glance/look at them from the corner of her eye.

On another note I know it sounds strange to some but in England plenty of special schools have a pre adult department which means students can stay up to the maximum age of 21 or even 22 when necessary.

Authors note: this is the first story I have ever written on Wattpad so please bare with me :)

Little Rascal :)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum