Chapter 19: Audition day

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A/N: 25/12/2020

MERRY CHRISTMAS 🎅 As promised, we reached 530 so an early update is here, ho, ho, ho~~~


Wattpad's version of CTD will be different from Patreon's version starting from this chapter.

There will be certain chapters that won't be available on Wattpad which will make this version shorter than the original. Example: the holiday season, winter adventures, Christmas + angst + other surprises (😏) will be exclusive to Patreon.

If you'd like access to early + exclusive chapters, you can join my patreon. Link is in my bio!

For those who can't join, please don't worry. There will be time-lapses that skip certain events, but the story is still 100% coherent in this draft. There are just certain details & scenes that won't be available.

I hope you guys have a Merry Christmas. Happy holidays & Merry Christmas ❤

P.s: for those asking, YES, this book will be completed on Wattpad in the sense where I will write it to the end. It just won't be completed in the sense where a portion of it won't be available. I hope that makes sense.

Chapter 27 of Conan The Dandelion is available on Patreon BTW! Will be posting chapter 28 when I wake up as a Christmas gift 🎁


It was auditions day.

During my years in high school, I had never joined any clubs. Participating in activities that required social interactions was never something I was good at. I'd always say or do something that would cause others to give me The Look, and I assumed my presence bothered them, so I thought it was best if I stayed alone.

I was in the halls, walking to the auditions, but I stopped in my tracks when I saw Parker across from me. He was arguing with a girl, or rather, a girl was arguing with him. Parker was leaning against a locker, looking half asleep while a girl raised her voice at him.

I frowned. Despite living only a staircase away from each other, it felt like I hadn't seen him in forever. He was wearing a grey hoodie and a denim jacket over it with matching colored jeans. Parker made simple clothes look good - even the plain black and white sneakers. He looked great. Well, despite the permanent scowl and the dark patches under his eyes. But I guess those were also part of his charm.

The girl began tugging on the sleeve of his jacket in a begging manner. Parker pulled away, running his hand through his messy raven hair before running it over his rough jaw.

"I said no," he said harshly.

"Come to the auditions. It'd be great if you could show your girlfriend some support," the girl said. "All you have to do is sit in the audience."

"Do I look like someone who gives a shit about a bunch of losers running around in green leotards?"

"We're not elves."

"Yes, at least elves don't exist."

"Parker," the girl whined. I didn't want to eavesdrop on their conversation, but the only way to the university's theatre was down this hall. I stood there, hoping they'd leave.

"Come for me, please? It'll be fun."

"To be or not to be, no thank thee."

While the girl continued to beg him, holding his hand and giving him cute little pouts, Parker looked like he was one step away from losing his mind.

Conan The Dandelion (Boyxboy) ✔Where stories live. Discover now