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It was merely seconds before the eraser hero attacked. There was no room for reaction time before both strangers were both locked together and pulled towards him.

Still trapped in the unimaginably hard scarf (no because like what in the ?? was that thing made of???) they were forced to look into their captor's eyes. A glowing ember of rage stared back and Sokka would have to be the best liar in the world to trick anyone into believing he wasn't scared out of his mind.

Fortunately, for a certain earthbender, she was incapable of seeing the terrifying look in the teacher's eyes. Unfortunately for the same earthbender, her shoulder was touching Sokka's. The speed of the non-bender's heart was enough to tell Toph that they would be in for it.

"Who are you?!" the teacher demanded, voice almost as scary as his demon eyes.

"Mr. Aizawa, wait!" Momo, the queen, quickly jumped in. She ran up to the trio and stopped in front of her teacher. With a pleading voice she said, "They're not villains!" At least, she hopes they aren't. "I predict some type of quirk accident led them here, but I can assure you that they are not here to harm us!"

The teacher's eyes were still red when he asked, "What are you talking about?"

Iida spoke up. With hands chopping the air, he said, "I can also confirm that they are not here to hurt us, sensei! They seem to have some sort of memory loss and didn't even know that they were in U.A."

Shouta nodded to his students' comments. Eyeing the two strangers, he realized that they were just meer teenagers, one of whom appeared to be visually impaired. He sighed before allowing his eyes to return to their normal color and releasing them both from his hold.

Sokka fell to the floor, incapable of holding himself up due to his broken leg. Toph quickly went to his side and tried to lift him up. (Using her earthbending might trigger the man to attack— something she wants to avoid.)

Mina ran to help. Once next to them, Toph allowed her to help Sokka and got up herself. The blue coated teen had his arm around the pinkie as she helped him regain balance.

Shouta watched the exchange in peculiarity. They really aren't looking for a fight, huh?

He walked up to the strangers and Mina. "Even if you two aren't villains and do not wish to harm anyone, you still don't belong here."

Sokka agreed. They needed to awaken Aang and defeat Ozai for good. They had little time for play.

"I suggest the two of you come with me to the principal's office. We will get you dealt with. Any injuries will be healed and then you shall leave. Understood?"

Sokka and Toph nodded.

"Ah, but wait!" Midoriya called out. "It's not just the two of them," he said.

❝𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓❜𝐒 𝐑𝐎𝐔𝐆𝐇 𝐁𝐔𝐃𝐃𝐘❞ [𝐚𝐥𝐭𝐚 𝐱 𝐛𝐧𝐡𝐚]Where stories live. Discover now