Fight, flight or freeze

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🌺 I have another question. I use the word 'privates' instead of the biological names to keep it more innocent. Yet I do want to make things go in a way to express how different cultures are, where it's more real in the sense of how she's been raised/humans behave affectionately, I did add a note/question at the end of the previous chapter after I published. Anyway have a lovely day! (Oh and pre warning, a future chapter will involve human on human attempted rape, noone actually gets raped of course to those sensitive to that)🌺

It wasn't long until a deep urge filled me, my bladder full. The male demon had briefly walked back in and I anxiously stood up.

It watched me as I carefully approached the front door, I glanced up at him and whined slightly. He opened the door slightly, I glanced at him quickly before diving through and ducking behind a bush to pee.

He stepped around quickly and I blushed in embarrassment, trying to hide my business. He sniffed the air and stroked my head gently, I must have looked like a tomato with how embarrassed and humiliated I felt.

From what I could see the sun was setting, I finished up and fell still, unwilling to move from such a vulnerable position. He nudged me slightly encouraging me to move away.

I quickly moved back to the doorway, if I am to be a pet, then he must expect me to sit and behave on that pet bed. There's no way I'm going to do anything to harm any trust in me being well behaved.

He opened the door and I rushed to the bed, eyeing him anxiously as he left me once more. I took a deep breath ate the remainder of the meat before curling up and trying to rest my eyes.

Some hours must have passed and I could hear the wind rushing above the chimney as I curled up defensively on the bed. I buried my head into my arms and tried to pretend I was just at home, on my bed, my mum at work. The sound of my father yelling at the TV as he made dinner, safe and content.

"Dinner! Hurry up Mika, your potatoes are getting cold!" Came my father's voice, the sound almost foreign to me, i tried to imagine his face.





It was no longer a man's voice that I could hear, it was a demonic murmuring. I peaked my head out and nervously looked around, freezing as multiple demons walked into the room.

Some walked to the couch while others headed into the other areas I haven't yet been to. They spoke loudly, in their strange language, I remained still and nervous, my breaths heavy and terrified.

I didn't recognise any of them, the werewolf like one didn't have a stripe on it's snout and two spider mouthed demons. The demons didn't seem to even notice me as they turned on the Television.

I glanced at the screen as several images began to pop up, each seeming like a movie title. They have movies? When did they get time to make movies?

I examined the images closer, only a few areas resembled earth. The others had odd coloured trees with vines, or massive houses made of unusual looking materials.

The sound of the door opening and closing caused me to jolt in surprise, several others had begun walking in. I gulped and curled up tighter, hearing them walk over. What if I'm the movie snack? I don't want to die.... Please don't eat me!

I whimpered as shuffling could be heard around me, I gasped as the bed moved and my body tumbled out as it was shoved aside. I squeaked in terror and crawled away quickly, I then scrambled to my feet and eyed the group of demons sitting on the couch and floor.

They were watching me, I trembled nervously and flinched back as one reached for me. I fled the room and pressed up against a wall.

"Please..." I croaked out quietly, my voice not used enough to create a clearer sound. I don't want to die. I don't want to die. I don't want to die.

I moved away from the wall as the sound of steps came closer, another demon was walking out of a different room. I rushed away and paused in a study room. Other demons stood around and my breathing only grew more rapid and terrified.

I froze in the doorway, my feet felt like they'd frozen to the floor. The demons weren't even looking at me, to busy concentrating on something on a table. A force shoved me aside and I hit the floor heavily, I yelped and scrambled into a sitting position, the side of my head and ankle throbbing.

I stared up at a cat faced demon who was glaring down at me and speaking. I stood up and hurried out, squeezing past a demon at the front door. It barely had time to react as I looked around the gathering of demons, all seeming to be heading inside to possibly sleep.

I ducked away as one tried to reach for me, none of them seemed on edge. I was pretty obviously weak and non dangerous, so it made sense that they'd not feel threatened.

I finally recognised something familiar, the male demon.

I hurried over to him and ducked behind him, trusting him over all others. At least he hasn't killed or hurt me yet.

His chirping sound pushed past my terrified thoughts. I sat down and hugged my knees, rocking back and forth fearfully. He touched my head and I flinched away, he let out a terrifying sound and I began to sob.

He lifted my convulsing body off of the painful dirt and rocks, he pushed his clawed arms between my legs and gut. I whimpered and moved my legs away, afraid of getting cut.

He hugged me against his body and I shook terribly as I cried quietly, my back and ass uncomfortable against the rough feathers. He headed inside of the building making me stiffen tighter around his hugging arms.

He lifted me away and sat me on a hallway table, beside a dying potted plant. He touched my face once more making me wince, the area feeling numb until touched which would make pain flare up.

I let out a faint whimper and waited nervously for him to do anything.

He walked away and I remained on the table, his voice could be heard as he entered the room with the pet bed. He soon stormed out and walked passed me again, heading for the room I got hit in.

He seems upset, angry even. The look on his face scaring me further.

"Owner..." I croaked, watching him enter the room. If I'm really his pet, I shouldn't just call him 'the male demon'. My voice shook slightly and I whimpered again.

He was being loud.

"Owner.... Master...." I croaked out shakily once more, it took a second before he came out. His eyes examining me carefully, I shakily reached towards him. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I silently hoped for him to take me away from it all.

He glanced back at the room and his tail drooped slightly, he moved towards me and I cringed slightly as he scooped me up, cradling my body close to his. He chirped a little and turned around, I could see the cat face demon in the doorway, glowering at us.

I stayed quiet as he carried me into the main hall and into a room. A double bed with bedside tables on both sides. He placed me on top of the blankets and sat down by my feet before twisting his taller body so that he was lying down with his head on the pillows.

I lay stiffly, uncertain if I would be able to move, I could feel him watching me through the corner of his eye. I slowly rolled onto my side and put my arms behind my head to protect it.

I flinched as he brought down a hand and rested it on my hip, a softer chirp leaving his mouth before he spoke in his language once more.

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