Lap fed

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Hunger gnawed at me painfully now. I had drunk all of my water. Having  not seen the demon for nearly two days should have been good.

I hadn't been eating much previously as our town had to split up food for one meal a day. We'd end up with maybe a few strips of meat and potatoes.

Crunching footsteps sounded nearby as I clutched my gut. I glanced up pitifully as the demon stepped into the tent, it seemed somehow tired. It's muscular arms drooping at it's sides and it's tail swaying sadly close to the ground.

It entered the cage and once again sat near me. I felt lightheaded and tired, I watched as it picked up my empty water bowl and examined me. It placed the bowl by the gate, it leant against the cage and had it's legs stretched out.

It picked me up from under my gut making me gasp. It released a low almost warning like growl. I looked at it in terror, exhausted and scared tears leaking down my pale face.

It didn't growl again as it sat me on it's lap, it brought it's legs into a cross legged position and used it's arm to force me into a sitting up position.

I pitifully clung tightly to my gut and groaned quietly. It stroked it's thumb through my hair as it pointed a new piece of fruit towards my mouth. I hesitantly opened my mouth and quietly chewed.

Another piece was shoved into my face. I slowly began to understand that it was just feeding me. There was no reason it needed to hand feed me, yet I couldn't possibly argue against whatever it wants.

It spoke in it's language and occasionally chirped. I was slowly getting into the habit of just opening my mouth and eating something sweet.

I was almost disappointed when the flow of fruit stopped. I timidly glanced up at it's face, it was examining me with it's head tilted. I had nowhere to hide.

My senses slowly returning as the fruit energised my exhausted body. I began to shake again, dark thoughts flooding my mind.

What if it wanted to fatten me up to eat? What if it decided to just kill me for making eye contact?!!?!

It placed me back onto the ground and stood up, still muttering in it's language.

I watched it pick up the water bowl and leave. I wiped the sweet juices off of my lips and moved into a corner.

A few days passed of the same occurrence, me being lifted into it's lap and fed, whether it was fruit or cooked meat it was handing me.

The bowl held clean water and I sat nervously. Expecting to see the demon. It was the only time I got to eat.

It entered and seemed to sniff the air, it probably smelt my toilet spot. I had dug a hole into the tough dirt so that I could go toilet.

It entered and approached me, I watched as it sniffed at me and then moved to my toilet spot. It proceeded to piss in my hole.

I quickly looked away, embarrassed and confused. Well I know it's a male now. Unless females have a dong as well.

The smell was off putting. I shuffled away slightly. It finished up and moved back to me, sitting down cross legged and leaning against the bars of the cage. It picked me up and placed me in it's lap once more.

I waited expectantly, assured that it wasn't trying to fatten me up, it would need to feed me much more to achieve that.

It held a handful of what smelt like chicken. The smell of piss definitely made it unappealing, yet the thought of defying the demon was scarier then the smell.

He passed me piece after piece, I slowly chewed at the thin pieces of chicken. Soon there was nothing left.

Yet instead of putting me down, he began stroking my gut with his menacing claws. He began examining me with touch. The way he did it made it seem like I was completely unknown to him.

Like I was something cool he wanted to figure out. I wriggled uncomfortably and looked up at his face nervously. He opened his mouth and a long tongue lolled out. He licked my face and lifted me up slightly, holding me close to him almost like a hug.

I froze as he lifted me higher and moved my arms so that they looped around his neck. He was making a strange purring noise, the sound and vibration calming my stress slightly.

His claws stroking along my back. I took a deep breath and tried to relax, which was hard to do in the grip of a monster.

I was still against his vibrating body, he reminded me of a cat, forcing his attention upon me.

He removed his arms and left me to cling on desperately as he stood up, my dangling legs hardly reaching his knees.

He lifted me slightly and I immediately let go of his neck, not willing to come off in any way as threatening.

He examined me and sniffed me again, I cringed and gazed down at my  clothes, a pair of shorts and a white shirt.

He wrapped one arm around my midsection and held me like that.

I cried out and whimpered nervously suddenly understanding that something was wrong.

He easily removed my shorts and let them drop to the ground, I cried out and wriggled slightly. Stopped by his growl, I met his eyes and tears dropped down. I must be ready to eat.

He ran his thumb through my hair gently and I shivered in his firm grip. He flipped me over and removed my shirt. I was naked and scared.

He hugged my body against his chest, his arms looping around my gut while my legs dangled freely.

He headed out of the cage and tent. I closed my eyes and let myself cry, whimpering sobs escaping me.

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