Overthinking Pet

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The whistling alien glanced at my owners before moving to me and stroking my head gently, they sat on the dirty ground and whistled again.

I swiped away the crust from my eyes and felt my heart hurt from the waterfall of emotions. My sore hip hot against the warm air.... I hope it doesn't get infected....

Cuddles.... What a dumb name....

They stroked my head as I closed my eyes and tried to control my thoughts, I never knew how much of an over-thinker I was.... Am...

I slowly leant against them and calmed my hammering heart, I could feel the stare of my owner as I did so, my gut twisting.

Am I a good pet? What do I need to do? I wish I could just worry about being scolded like a dog... But he can so easily..... So easily Ki..........


I opened my eyes to the afternoon sunlight and looked up at my master. I had unconsciously hugged onto Cuddles, they held me close as they looked at me.

I'm a good pet.... Master accidentally hurt me... That's all..... I hope.... What if it wasn......

No, I won't think of that.

He looks so sad.... His tail dropped lowly to the ground, I slowly reached a hand out towards them, hoping that I could fix my mistake.... It's my fault.

Wolf crouched and gently held my hand, I gave a shaky and emotionally exhausted smile, maybe I can make it work.

Just be good and don't make them mad.

Wolf moved to sit beside me and seemed to encourage master to join, slowly he did so.

I watched him crouch down and slowly sit, two large hands falling on my knees. He eyed me and began to purr, his head pressing firmly on top of my own, I could feel the tough trunk of the horns and sighed.

"I'm sorry" I croaked out, finding my voice once more, he moved his head and examined Cuddles who seemed nice and relaxed beside me. I guess they already know each other, judging by how calm they are with each other they may already be friends or acquaintances....

Master spoke to Cuddles who responded quietly, Master seemed happy. I mustn't have done anything wrong... I don't see how moving somewhere could be wrong but I don't know what can set them off.

I could see a cart, similar to the one I was brought here in, humans were being carried down to the tent for humans and I examined them carefully.

Who betrayed who? I can't help them escape, but they will probably hate me, just like the others do.

I turned my gaze back to Master, who looked out to the cart, I could see one person being carried towards us.

My owner stood and as did the other two, moving out of the way.

I stayed sitting, confused and unsure what to do, glancing around, it made me nervous whenever strange humans or demons approached me...

I watched the werewolf like demon carry the sleeping male human closer.

My body left the ground and Master cuddled me against his chest, once more carrying me like kids on tv carry cats. Arms wrapped around my chest, pressing below the breasts. His feathers rubbing into my back uncomfortably.

My arms flopped over his and I watched as the demon went inside with the human, seeming tired and distracted. My master and the other two followed after, the man was laid out on the dog bed.

The demon left the room sluggishly.

Master put me on the dog bed beside the human, I turned away from the sleeping person and made sure my body was left unseen. Despite the fact he was naked, I could guess he'd be distracted by my own nakedness.

Wolf brought in a bowl of water and food, I slowly ate distractedly, the tv was turned on as Wolf and Master  leant against each other on the couch.

Cuddles sat beside them and watched the TV, eating some snacks, they looked black and smelt burnt.

I finished the food which fell tasteless into my gut, I'm sure there was flavour, yet my mind didn't seem bothered with figuring it out.

I drank the water slowly before wetting my hand rubbing my slight injury, the cool water nice against the hot skin.

I flinched at the terrifying sound of Master, I looked up at him nervously, my eyes wide with surprise and worry. What did I do wrong?

He eyed me with an unreadable look, I turned slightly, my slightly bleeding hip all to visible. I never meant to remove the scabs, it just hadn't dried fully yet.

I didn't like being stared at while I dealt with the small bit of blood, made to look like alot more with the water touching it.

I whimpered nervously. Did I make another mistake? Does the blood make me look tasty? No... Shut up...

The room seemed to fall cold as the thoughts danced in my head, mocking my weak and vulnerable self.

A soft whistle broke me from my spiral, I looked at Cuddles and put pressure over the wound.

Cuddles motioned for me to go to them, I slowly crawled over, sitting on my knees at their feet.

They ushered me onto the couch, lifting me up and placing me over their lap, my knees straddled it's upper legs and I held onto their shoulders as I pressed my head against their chest.

There's been so much fear, Cuddles hasn't made me scared.... Cuddles is still a dumb name.... Maybe Venom to match the spider mouth... I don't know...

What do they call me?

This position.... It's so comfortable.... Isn't it a little... Sexual though?

I give up, if I keep getting confused on what demons plan for me, I might make myself more scared then I need to.... I might start thinking of.... Him again....

I sighed and pressed heavily against the demon, my body enjoying the comforting strokes up and down my back.

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