Look at us

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I shuffled to the front door, slowly opening it to the chaos outside.

There was no point in hiding, everyone knew it, these demons won't leave the town, this'll all belong to them.

I slowly sank to my knees in surrender as my more defiant neighbours rushed forwards, as if their petty guns or fists could do anything. Their screams echoed across the streets, quiet sobbing could barely be heard.

We had all ran here when the demons had attacked our original town. This town had mostly been abandoned previously so we had expected it to be safe. Turns out we had all been clinging to an insane ideal.

I sniffed and felt tears fall down my face, not sure if I'll be a demons dinner or if I'd be murdered on the spot. I don't want to die, yet I can't outrun these beasts.

Each built differently. Some had more gorilla like bodies, sporting short fur and an almost human face. That's if you don't notice the cat like mouth and whiskers.

Some were more demonic, sporting sharp horns which pierced the air dangerously. Their eyes glowing slightly, they had long spiked tails and claws at the end of their fingers.

Others even resembled animals, even going as far as looking like a storybook werewolf or something similar.

I was trembling, the blood splattered streets running quiet of screams, the only sound being the grunts and growls of the demons.

I bowed my head further, wishing for my friends to be ok. We had all fled here together, a group of 17 year olds.

The demons were moving again, I glanced up to see my neighbours in a similar position as me. The demons walked and shuffled about dragging people.

Pitiful cries could be heard as the demons weren't being to gentle. Some gripping the arms or shoulders of my neighbours, others carelessly grabbing handfuls of hair to drag the people by.

I shivered pitifully as one approached me, it was a horned one. It's body coated in a dusty layer of feathers, the spiked tail thrashed around as an angry cats would.

I whimpered fearfully as a clawed hand reached for me. It grabbed my arm, it's sharp claws splattered with blood were glittering warningly as my body was dragged over the ground. I hadn't even been given a chance to stand.

It lifted me by my arm and dropped me into a crate, I cried out in terror. Quickly curling my body into a protective ball.

It's red eyes stared down at me. I shivered in terror as the smell of blood filled the air and birds didn't even make a sound.

It wasn't much relief when the demon left, I could barely move. Terror pinned me to the spot and the carriage holding all the crates of humans left.

The trip was bumpy, luckily they didn't travel far. I couldn't see where we were.

I could hear more whimpers and cries of fear as the demons slowly removed the people from their crates. The same demon came to mine, it's sharp gaze examining me. It reached for my arm once more.

I whimpered weakly, quickly curling into myself further. It growled slightly as it couldn't get a grip of my arm. The sound sent me over the edge, I began to hyperventilate. It made a strange chirp noise before speaking in a strange language.

It easily scooped up my small form. My messy brown hair hiding my face, I was certain my grey eyes were as wide as humanly possible.

It was weird having my body being held like a dogs. It's muscled arm had hooked under my belly while the other arm stabilised me.

I couldn't stop shaking, my vision spotty as I continued to hyperventilate. I could barely make out the large tents, we approached one. The colour was a simple brown, yet it was tall and wide, just like the rest.

It was still speaking in it's language, the occasional chirp sound leaving it's dagger toothed mouth. I barely noticed as I was set down in a tall cage.

It was inside of the tent, kind of resembling cages used for stray dogs. It was built into the tent, the metal bars seeming heavy and immovable.

It knelt by my body for a short time before skulking off and locking the cage behind it.

I slowly controlled my breathing. Gradually finding the strength to sit up and look around, the sunny day had gone. Leaving a darkness behind.

I wanted so badly to be out of the cage and outside to see the stars and not be a potential meal.

I could barely see in the dark, yet I could make out two pieces of shiny metal. On closer inspection they turned out to be bowls, one filled with water, the other empty.

I slowly moved into a corner, I was exhausted.

I was startled from my fitfull sleep by the sound of crunching steps. I tiredly sat up and pressed myself against the bars nervously. By the dull light shining in, I could tell that it was sunrise.

The same demon shuffled into the tent, it examined me. The shivering picked back up as I gaped at it in terror.

It opened the cage and walked in, I whimpered and pressed myself painfully against the bars. It didn't care for my terror, it easily approached me and..... And.....

Sat in front of me.

I cringed and eyed it carefully. It held out it's clawed hand, I flinched slightly. Closing my eyes and gasping quietly.

As nothing happened I squinted open my eyes and glanced at it's palm, some strawberry's were piled in it's hand. I glanced at it warily and chose not to move.

It could very easily be a trap. Why is a trap even necessary here?

It grunted and picked up a strawberry by pinching it gently between two claws. It pressed the smaller end against my mouth, persisting for me to open up.

Slowly I did so, my gut betraying me at the smell of food.

Fruit had been hard to come by once we all ran.

It let out a chirp as I held the strawberry weakly in my mouth. Unsure if there'd be a sleeping drug in it to allow them to cook me.

I took a deep breath through my nose and decided to risk it. I'd rather go in my sleep then awake anyway.

I slowly chewed as it watched me intimidatingly, I felt the sweet juice in my mouth. I finished the delightful fruit and swallowed.

The creature reached out for me and I flinched again, slightly banging the side of my head against the cage.

It made a terrifying sound and I whimpered once more. Not bothering with speaking, it wouldn't understand or even care if it could.

It stood up and left. I watched it, wanting more of those strawberry's.

I glanced at the clean water and picked up the heavy metal bowl, drinking down the liquid to alleviate my hunger.

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