Collared Fears

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The morning was sunny and bright.

I know this because he'd just lifted the movable flap of the tent over the cage so now I got a view of everything from inside my cage.

And they all can see me.

I curled against the bars sticking close to the shadowed area, by which there was barely any as the sun was still low enough to pierce through the whole opened tent.

It was far more stressful trying to hide both my nakedness and collared neck. The demon had walked off somewhere into the camp and I kept my head lowered, unwilling to notice any demons walking by.

I carefully glanced up as a tapping sound caught my attention, I made sure to keep my shoulders raised to avoid having the collar stick out.

I nervously made eye contact with one of the werewolf looking demons, it was standing at the cage and examining me with it's grey eyes.

I pressed further back and whimpered slightly, unable to contain my anxiousness and fear. It crouched and tilted it's head, while speaking in an unknown language.

It slowly stood up and turned away, quickly leaving. I sighed quietly in relief, slowly bringing my hand up and feeling the collar. If I was braver I would try to take it off.

If I'm lucky and they don't eat me, then it'll only be best for me to stay on their good side, no use in giving them reasons to torture or punish me.

The demon soon returned, hopefully with another handful of food.

He entered the cage and I cringed slightly, keeping my collar hidden with my shoulders. It sat a few feet from me and leant against the bars, watching me. I stayed still, having gotten used to him forcing me onto his lap and feeding me.

He waved towards himself, then holding out a handful of diced up beef. He sat patiently as I watched him, my stomach begging for me to go towards him.

Time passed slowly, what must have been 5 minutes felt like an hour.

I gave in.

I lowered my head and moved to stand before stopping myself. I don't want to do anything to make him mad.

I whined in defeat and crawled, the dirt rubbing harshly against the sensitive skin of my knees and hands.

I sat in front of his crossed legs and looked up at him, cringing in discomfort as the dirt pressed irritatingly against my bare ass.

He pressed a piece of beef into my mouth and I ate quietly, he didn't give me another, I frowned and examined him, my stomach begging for more.

He patted his lap with his free hand and I hesitated before deciding to just go through with it. I've already gotten this far.

I didn't understand how he expected me to do it, so I did it carefully. Slowly pressing against his leg and awkwardly moving my body between his legs. I felt like a child doing it.

He stroked my body as I slowly lowered myself, I leant my side against the rough feathers of his chest and let my head rest there. It was far to stressful, and some comfort was all I needed. Even from a terrifying demon which might eat me.

He pushed another piece of beef towards my mouth and I opened my mouth, letting him place it in. I looked up slowly and met his eyes, squinting suspiciously as I chewed.

Does he want to eat me? Why does he want me on his lap? I have so many questions, which I'll never ask, I've been to scared to speak. There's no way he'd understand anyway.

I felt him purr as I ate some more. The vibration soothing despite the vulnerable situation. His free hand felt along the collar making me cringe. He paused and fed me the last piece.

I yelped in surprise as he lifted me up higher, I gazed at his face and gulped. He opened his mouth. I closed my eyes expectantly.

Something dry and familiar ran over my face, I squinted open my eyes and watched the purring demon. His eyes closed as he slowly licked over my body. The tongue making quick work in cleaning my face, soon reaching my neck.

I shuddered and took deep breaths, preventing myself from freaking out once more. He groomed along my arms, armpits, embarrassingly my chest, my gut and so on before moving me around so he could do my back as well.

As soon as he finished he sat me in his lap and patted me on the head.

He sat there for a while, stroking my licked clean body with a deep purr still calming my stress.

He moved suddenly, causing me to whine in surprise. He placed me back on the ground and left quickly. I guess he has important business.

A few hours passed and many new demons passed by, not even looking at me.

I quietly muttered to myself, trying to calm my racing heart. My voice sounded weird now, it feels like it's been forever since I last spoke.

I shook my head and nervously glanced around the now quiet campground. I slowly rose to my sore legs and wobbled towards the other side.

My hands shook as I gripped the cold bars, trying to calm my anxiousness by watching the few birds and swaying trees I could see. I took several deep breaths, clearing my head.

I pressed heavily against the bars and tried not to cry.

I don't want to die.

I don't want to be hurt.

I just want to be safe and loved, back with my friends.

I startled back as something smashed against the cage, a loud Yelp leaving my mouth. I fell onto my ass and stared up at the opened up corner. One of the cat faced demons had kicked it and seemed to have started laughing a harsh and loud sound escaping it's mouth.

It stomped off and I hugged my knees, burying my face into them. Tears flooded down my face and I quietly sobbed.

I could hear the chirping sound of the male demon, I hugged myself tighter and let myself cry, even as the gate opened and closed.

I flinched as he lifted me up, pulling me close to his feathery chest. Now that I'd started crying I couldn't stop. His gentle stroking was proving to be calming, the gentleness was causing a pleasant feeling to grow through my tight chest.

And I wasn't against having him make me feel safe. Even if he could turn around and torture or eat me.

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