Demon types

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Authors note🌺  I hope you all have a lovely day, this is just to explain the demons behaviour to keep the readers slightly more informed then our main character. Any names that are the same to anything in real life is simply coincidental, I name each off of their features i.e Folkon - Falcon🌺

Folkon Demon ~

Size: The tallest can grow up to 11 feet, the average height is between 7 foot for males and 8 foot for females.

Colouration: Feathers are always black or dark grey, with a unique patch of white. Their skin is normally light brown.

Features: Feathery bodies, hawk like red or green eyes, large claws protruding from their fingers minus the thumb. They have sharpened horns and a spiked tail which shows their emotions.

Behaviour: Despite a feathery appearance, the Folkon's have more of a cat like attitude. They are very jumpy and defensive towards any perceived aggression. They also are huge on grooming with their soft dry tongues. It's not uncommon for family members to join in a group grooming before going to sleep.

Pets: These demons are best with most felines as pets, they can easily tame most wildcats with their overpowering nature. Yet they do enjoy the company of humans and medium sized dogs. Their more demonic pets are less common as the creatures don't survive well in sunlight.

Food: Folkon's eat their prey alive. It's not uncommon to see one tearing the head off of a hare as a snack. Despite the way they eat, they are more attuned to their pets differing eating ways. Cooking for humans, feeding dead animals to dogs and giving cats/wildcats a weakened animal to kill.

Misconceptions: Many humans who observe Folkon's believe them to be the most bloodthirsty. Although these ones are the most aggressive towards anything they see as aggressive, they are the quickest to realise their errors and feel guilt.

Some human's see them grooming their pets and believe it to be for food or sex. The act of grooming is a loving action shared to clean and keep others warm. If they care for something they will groom it with nothing but affection and love.

Language: The Folkon's speak Fawkish, they tend to speak in their language around others to make themselves seem more powerful. It gets many of them in trouble as it can be seen as rude.

Habitat: Most tropical or pleasant temperatures. They do not like the freezing cold or boiling heat, yet no matter the weather they enjoy cuddling up with pets, family, friends and intimate partners.

Rilla Demons~

Size: These demons can reach 9 feet tall. The average heights are 6 foot for females and males.

Colouration: The thin layer of fur can be a large variety of colours, purely based off of the mood of the parent while they are in the womb. The colour of their skin is pearly white.

Features: Muscular thick bodies and a face which strangely looks both human and cat. They have uniquely shaped ears from each other.

Behaviour: The most aggressive, these demons very much hate any disrespect. They are well known to fight anything which refuses to acknowledge them or disobeys them. They always have a friend which they never separate from.

Pets: Rilla demons aren't best with pets, choosing animals with more loyal aspects like large dogs. Despite enjoying collecting different pets they don't tend to keep them as most other demons disapprove of the violent training they use on pets. Their demonic pets are capable of coming out into sunlight.

Food: They are plant eaters, capable of eating most fruits, vegetables and plants, even ones poisonous to most other animals. Though their square teeth are also used to snap the necks of others.

Misconceptions: Humans when observing these demons believe they're blind. It comes from the demons not caring to notice things around them when they charge through an area and are willing to smash into a tree in an unwillingness to go around.

They also are speculated to be dumb, which is completely wrong as they're very intelligent in terms of problem solving, they just choose to do things the most aggressive way.

Language: Rilla's speak Whisken, a surprisingly complex language. They tend to avoid speaking in their language around others.

Habitat: These demons tend to prefer colder climates with them being able to survive in freezing conditions comfortably, they only enjoy the company of their special friend even when it reaches below freezing.

Canite Demons~

Size: The tallest can grow to 12 feet tall. The average height is 8 feet for males and 6 feet for females.

Colouration: Most have smoky grey fur and multicoloured skin, some having more sun sensitive pink skin then others. The only other colour they can be is white.

Features: Covered in lean muscles for speed. They have stringy and rough fur, their faces are dog like, and they have large pawed feet.

Behaviour: The most placid demons, these ones prefer to remain calm and patient. They have a dogs level of loyalty yet are the quickest to lose trust and become skeptical. They tend to be found racing one another.

Pets: Canite demons tend to match most pets, though they don't get along with reptiles and bugs. The favorites are usually humans, dogs and birds, though they do enjoy the company of cats and sheep. Their demonic pets tend to be shy and gentle, they always dissapear around strangers.

Food: These demons are scavengers, they can eat almost anything, from a rotting corpse to the sweetest of fruits. They enjoy cooking for humans.

Misconceptions: Human's tend to think these demons are humans which have become 'werewolves' due to how they appear like the old depictions of werewolves.

It is also believed that they kidnap and eat children, which is completely untrue. The belief is made to seem real due to the demons enjoying playing with human children and licking their pets clean.

Language: Canite demons speak Rolfian, it's a simple and easy to understand language, it's the universal language used between all demons.

Habitat: Although they are built for deserts as their fur acts as a sand and sun repellent, they still do enjoy stormy climates in tropical areas. They normally sleep alone but never stray from the opportunity to cuddle their pets in bed.

Oonter demon~

Size: The tallest can grow to 8 feet tall, the average height is 6 foot for both males and females.

Colouration: Most have a camoflauge layer of thin fur, the fur changes colour slightly based on lighting. Their skin is coal black.

Features: They have pawed feet which hide sound, lean bodies With a mouth similar to a spiders yet the face is roughly human. They are built for stealth.

Behaviours: These demons are natural born hunters, they act more as ninjas and assassin's. They're extremely empathetic and caring, they are quick and agile, as well as being rather shy.

Pets: Although not big on pets, these demons do prefer the more affectionate pets to help with their anxiety. Mainly choosing foxes and dogs, yet some do enjoy the company of humans and cats. Their demonic pets are extremely affectionate and loving yet far to dangerous to be left without their owners.

Food: Oonter demons enjoy eating fish and most seafood, even seaweed by itself, yet they need a variety of foods to remain healthy, they don't enjoy cooking for humans as they tend to cook the food to much as they enjoy burnt food.

Misconceptions: these demons have one main misconception, as they are so shy they avoid being seen by things that do not know of them, so they have been believed to be ghosts in some occasions.

Language: despite being able to speak, the native language is actually sign language.

Habitat: Oonter demons live in mountains mostly, but sometimes enjoy plains or Savannah's, they can cope with most temperatures, hot or cold.

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