Bella Finds Out Maya's Secret

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Maya split her training into 4 days a week while the 5th day was a cardio day. Maya was beginning to worry everyone. Maya was working herself to exhaustion. She had absolute control over her powers so the wolf pack was having a hard time understanding why she was training so hard. Jacob and the pack followed her one week straight to see what her training fully entailed. Apparently they weren't the only ones with the same ideas, the Cullens were on their side of the border watching as well. They were at the gorge where the water was a little deep. Jacob noticed that Bella was beside Edward and that Maya was not going to be happy. 

It started off like they expected. It was just like how they found her the previous day. It was only like that for an hour before she began her elemental training as she called it. 

Once Maya was done, the wolf pack and the Cullens were deeply impressed. Maya, however, was out of breathe and frustrated. 

"Darn it, I'm still not fast enough." Maya muttered then called out "You guys can come out now!"

The Pack and the Cullens came closer followed by Bella.

"Very impressive, Maya." Carlisle said 

"Not as much as you may think. I'm still not fast enough. I have to train my body harder." Maya said

"Really? You seemed fast enough to me." Emmett said

"Fast enough to use if Victoria ever decides that I'm good enough to be a snack? I doubt it. The Pack won't always be there so I need to be prepared." Maya said then she noticed Bella staring at her 

"I believe I asked for Bella to not be involved in my business." Maya stated coldly looking at Carlisle

"I have every right to know what is going on." Bella snapped at Maya 

"You have no more right to my business than you have a right to say that if anything happens to Dad, it is not you fault. This is your fatal flaw Bella. You can't mind your own business even when your life depends on it." Maya said before turning to walk to Jacob

"What are you?!" Bella demanded 

"None of your business. You chose the vampires over your family so why don't you go back to them." Maya said walking away

The wolf pack followed Maya back to Emily's. Emily began dishing out some food and everyone sat down to eat and talk. 

"How do your elemental powers work exactly?" Paul questioned 

"Each element compliments each other. 

Wood fuels fire.Air fuels fire.Fire forms earth (volcanoes, ash, etc.).Earth contains metal.Metal carries water (buckets, pipes, etc.).Water feeds wood (trees, plants, etc.).Wood creates air. (CO2 and oxygen). " 

My Strange SisterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora