I'm Back, Forks

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3rd POV

Maya Swan was running around the block for exercise. She has  two dads, Charlie and Phil. Renee is called Mom but rarely will she speak to her mother. Bella is her older sister by a year. Apparently Bella had a bad break up with  her boyfriend, Edwin or Ethan no Edward. Maya competes with archery. The last competition was yesterday. Renee didn't care that Maya won first place after training for three years to go up against the top archers from around the world. She didn't care that Phil had doted on the daughter that was not biologically his or that Charlie took the time off to come from Forks to Jacksonville to watch his youngest win a $500,000 cash prize plus a study abroad or online scholarship worth $100,000. She cared that Maya chose the archery tournament over Bella. She cared that Bella was left with someone else while Charlie wasted time to come and watch said tournament instead of staying in Forks with Bella. She cared that no one but her seemed worried that Bella has had a serious breakup and was depressed. Renee rushed Maya and Charlie to the airport, all the while telling Maya that nothing was more important than Bella getting better. Not archery, hunting, or taking foolish pictures Maya was to be there for her sister. Maya was going to use the scholarship for art school and culinary school. There was an online school that offered both plus she was able to go to Forks High during the day to get her graduating credentials. Maya and Charlie pulled in front of the house to see Maya' s late birthday present from Phil waiting in the driveway.

Maya squealed and jumped out the cruiser to go look at it

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Maya squealed and jumped out the cruiser to go look at it. Phil and Charlie teamed up to get Maya the car. Charlie agreed to putting snow tires and half the car's cost while Phil paid for the rest and any other things he felt Maya may enjoy. Billy and Jacob sat laughing in a truck as Maya kept running around the car. Jacob added in some of the safety gear for Charlie while Billy brought the fish fry for the game Charlie and Billy wanted to watch. Maya jumped into her father's arms.
"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Oh my god I need to call Phil. I love it. You guys got my dream car." Maya said with bounce in her step
Charlie merely laughed. Jacob sneaked up behind Maya before lifting her clear over his shoulder and running around. Maya squealed even louder when she saw Jacob. Maya had a crush on Jacob since they were babies on tricycles riding around Charlie and Billy's yards.
"Hey Maya, I was wondering when you'd get here." Jacob said
Jacob finally looked in Maya' s eyes and froze. Bella immediately exited any thoughts in his head. He loved his best friend. When Bella stopped coming to Forks Maya picked up the slack and always kept in touch with Jacob. Maya just hugged Jacob, and he began spinning her around again.
"How long you here for?" Billy asked noticing the look in Jacob's eyes
"Well thanks to Phil sending my birthday present I'm here until at least graduation and hopefully moving here if all works out well." Maya said
Jacob whipped and Maya was in the air again laughing. Maya was excited she missed this. She missed the forest, the La Push boys, Leah, and her dad. She needed away from Renee and Phil wouldn't have to choose this way. Maya could always visit Phil in the summer or go to his games.
Maya and Jacob talked until Bella came outside and glared at me.
"So you finally decided to show up." Bella said
"You know why I had to stay Bella. Just so you know, in about five years I qualify to go with Team USA for Archery in the Olympics. If we win we get a cash prize. This past year I won my tournament first place. You would know if you got over Squidward and answered your emails." Maya said
Jacob and Billy snorted and looked away when Bella glared at them.
"Jacob you haven't been answering my calls are you feeling better?" Bella asked ignoring me
"Getting there." Jacob said before glancing at Maya
Maya frowned and immediately felt Jacob's forehead.
"You've been sick? And you're out here without a shirt? Dear God, Jacob you still have a temperature.  Come on inside while the Dads watch the game you are going to eat soup and nap in my room until your Dad is ready to go." Maya said dragging Jacob by his hand
Jacob was a giant compared to Maya so watching the scene was comical. Billy and Charlie went inside and sat down to watch the game. Maya began looking in the fridge and started shaking her head. She found soup and beer for the guys. She found frozen veggie burgers for Bella. Maya was running around the kitchen and getting everything together. Jacob sat at the table and watched Maya work her magic.
"This is my imprint. How could I believe Bella would ever make me feel like this." Jacob thought admiring how graceful Maya moved
Within 30 minutes Maya had reheated the stir fry, cooked Bella a burger, and made Jacob a hearty stew with hot chocolate. She even found the ingredients for a cherry cobbler and had it in the oven along with some cookies for Jacob and Billy to take home. She delivered beers to Billy and Charlie. Jacob was happily eating his stew while being led up to Maya's room in the attic, but he did eavesdrop on Maya and Bella when she was dropping off the burger.
"Now you need to eat all that and stop giving Dad such hard time." Maya said to Bella
"You don't understand." Bella mumbled
"You're right I don't. I don't understand how someone who has it all. The mother who dotes on you, the father who will do anything for you, and the sister, who can't stand to be near you after all the bullying you have done, still decided to come out here and try to smack you back into reality before Dad sends you to get some professional help, and the professionals lock you up in a hospital somewhere." Maya ranted
Bella looked at her wide eyed and slowly reached over to the burger and started eating. Maya nodded and left with Jacob. Maya led the way into the attic. The attic was the length of the house so it was set up as almost a small studio apartment.

Maya's room was always changing

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Maya's room was always changing. Jacob liked the new design.
"So how have you been? The last time we talked was just before the tournament." Maya said
"I've been good. I'm hanging out with Sam Uley and his crew now." Jacob said nervously
"The one that broke Leah's heart, stole Emily, and looks like he's on steroids Sam Uley? Jake please tell me that's not how you got this buffed up." Maya said
"No no no. He's actually not that bad. He's a little rough around the edges but so is Paul." Jacob said
"Paul is just misunderstood and just needs the right girl in his life not all these bed warmers. Sam is a heartbreaking, cousin stealin', no good jerk. He hurt Leah without any cause." Maya said
Jacob continued to defend Sam but Maya wasn't having it so Jacob and Billy went home while Maya prepared for school the next day.

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