Waking Up and Going to Italy

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3rd POV
"Maya, please. Come on breathe." Jacob kept repeating as he kept going with the CPR
Paul ran to call Sam. Bella crawled towards Jacob and Maya until Jacob snapped around and growled at her.
"You stay the Hell away from us."
Jacob ignored Bella even Sam when he came up. Sam was trying to get Jacob to stop and realize that Maya was gone, but suddenly Maya began coughing up the water and shaking Jacob and Sam sat her up as she coughed all the water up out of her lungs.
"Jacob, she needs to go to the doc and make sure she's okay." Sam ordered
Jacob lifted up Maya and was going to run with her. Bella started whining about herself and Sam said she could tag along with Paul and get checked out as well. Maya was shaking hard and crying as she rubbed her throat.
"You're okay, Maya. I got you." Jacob said
"Bella completely lost it. She needs some mental help." Maya whispered before retelling how she ended up jumping off a cliff
Jacob was furious but kept going. Jacob was like Maya's personal heating blanket. The doc was waiting for them when they got there.
"Hello Maya. Hopefully we're just going to get you warmed up and everything will be good. Jacob can you or one of the boys to run over to Maya's house and get some clothes for her. My wife will help Maya take a nice hot shower and that should help with the chills but just looking she'll have some bruising but nothing too major." The doc said
"Thanks, doc. I'll be back, My." Jacob said and Maya slowly walked with Mrs. Simcha back to the shower
Maya took great pleasure in knowing that the doc didn't give Bella the same courtesy except to give her a cup of tea and a seat by the fire to dry out. Jacob returned with some clothes for her and was nice enough to grab something for Bella. Bella ran to change and didn't see Jacob light up when Maya waltz up to him for a hug. Bella was seething when she came back and saw though. Bella wanted to leave but doc brought us a few hours and Bella just stormed outside and had to wait. Doc had some soup ready for me and Jacob. Mrs. Simcha was an excellent cook and often got together with the Pack Imprints and cooked meals for the tribe. She grinned as she passed these gorgeous looking bread bowls filled with stew. She said I was too skinny.

Maya felt a lot better and was helping clean the dishes.
"So was the deity as tricky as always?" Mrs. Simcha asked
Maya froze and gapped at her making Mrs. Simcha laugh.
"You're not the first to be pulled into their games and you won't be the last. I'll give you some advice to begin your training and if you have any further questions you can come and ask. The training tends to begin mentally. The stronger your mind the better usage you can get out of your powers. Learn to keep a lid on your emotions or they'll make you lose control. Now you and Jacob take that trollop you call a sister home. I can hear her whining from in here." Mrs. Simcha said
Maya and Jacob said their goodbyes and grabbed Bella and headed for home. The way home was quiet and Maya meditated to see if that would really help her powers. She noticed she had a core like Naruto that was gold. She knew doing all this training would be beneficial for whatever was coming next. Bella was left cold by the window while Maya was snuggled into Jacob in the middle. When pulling up to the Swan House they noticed a car outside. I felt like a cold chill went up my back. Bella was about to jump out of the truck but Jacob pulled her back inside.
"Vampire." Jacob said
Maya froze and didn't even pay attention as Jacob and Bella argued about going inside. Before anyone knew Bella grabbed Maya and dragged her into the house with her. Maya was dragged like a rag doll behind Bella while Jacob was having a mini freak out with Sam on the phone. Maya got to meet Alice Cullen for the first time. Alice and Bella were reunited but when Bella tried to introduce Maya to Alice. Maya backed up as far as she could. Alice withdrew her hand and kept talking and catching up with Bella. Shortly after they were talking about how Bella met Jacob. Jacob came in.
"Bella, wolves are not good company to keep." Alice said
"I wouldn't be talking like that if I were you." Jacob said coming through the door
Maya immediately went to Jacob and he put his arm around her shoulder.
"I thought you couldn't protect us in here." Bella mocked
"The pack is on it's way. I'm not leaving my imprint in here with a bloodsucker alone." Jacob said
"Well I'm not going to harm anyone." Alice said
Alice got up and was walking out to the car.
"Where are you going?" Bella panicked
"Just to catch a small snack." Alice said
"But you'll come back, right?"
"As soon as you put the dog out."

JACOB Swan residence. She smiles. But he instantly bristles, voice going cold.
JACOB He's not here. He's at a funeral...
Then the phone goes dead -- INT. TENEMENT APARTMENT - RIO DE JANEIRO - SAME -- Edward stares at his phone crazed, enraged, grief- stricken -- he HURLS it against the wall, shattering it.
INT. BELLA'S HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - SAME -- Jacob hangs up the phone.
JACOB Filthy bloodsucker.
BELLA Wait, who was it?
JACOB (spitting it out) Dr. Carlisle Cullen.
BELLA You should have let me talk to him.
JACOB He didn't ask for you -- Suddenly, Jacob's eyes go wild, his body stiffens, starts trembling in the way that precedes a wolf-morph. JACOB Step away from me, Bella. Bella turns to see what he's reacting to - Alice. She stands in doorway looking empty, despairing. Bella immediately hurries to her side.
BELLA Alice, what's wrong?
ALICE ... Edward.
BELLA What about him? What happened?
ALICE I just saw him in a vision. He... thinks you're dead.
BELLA (realizing) That was him calling, not Carlisle.
ALICE Bella, he's going to Italy... to the Volturi... 
SMASH TO: INT. BELLA'S ROOM -The door SLAMS open and Bella races in, shoving clothes into a bag. Jacob dogs her, protesting.
JACOB Why do you have to go? BELLA He won't believe Alice. He has to see that I'm alive.
JACOB (stops her) He left you, Bella. He didn't want you anymore, remember?
BELLA But I still love him, and I'm not gonna let him kill himself out of guilt. This wounds him. But she can't stop to soothe him. She pulls away and continues packing.
JACOB What about your dad?
BELLA I'm eighteen, legally free to go. I'll leave a note. Alice enters.
ALICE Got the airline tickets.
JACOB (squaring off with Alice) You Cullens might hunt animals but those monsters in Italy don't.
ALICE I'm well aware what the Volturi are.
JACOB Then why are you taking Bella to them like a bottle of wine to a party?
ALICE Right, she's better off here with Victoria stalking her. The one you dogs can't seem to catch? Jacob growls, a shudder ripping through him. Bella intercedes, stopping him from morphing by grabbing Alice. BELLA Let's go.
EXT. BELLA'S HOUSE  Alice flies to her car. But Jacob catches Bella's arm, not hostile. Just pleading. JACOB Please, Bella. Stay here. For Charlie... for me and Maya. Bella sees the hope in his eyes; this could be last time she ever sees him. She hugs him, then pulls away.
BELLA Bye, Jacob. He watches, agonized as she races to the car, climbs in...
Bella turns to Maya and grabs her arm.
MAYA: I'm not going, Bella. You're going to betray Charlie after all this crap with Mr. Toilet Bowl. You're on your own.
Bella glared at Maya until Alice came over and whispered into Maya's ear.
Alice (whispers): Get in the car or I promise you and your father will never see your sister again.
Maya paled then wrapped her arms around Jacob whispering in his ear making him growl at Alice before running off. Maya jumped into the back seat and Alice passes her her backpack with her essentials.
INT. THE MERCEDES (CONTINUOUS)  Bella tries to pull on her seat belt but Alice stops her --
ALICE Maybe Jacob's right. (Bella tries to interrupt) No. You need to realize - the Volturi could easily see me as Edward's accomplice. And you're a human who knows too much and tastes too good. They could kill us all. Bella's response is to yank her seat belt into its clip. Alice sees she won't change her mind. She shifts into gear and PEELS OUT. Bella looks out the window for Jacob; he's not there... she turns toward the woods

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