Telling Maya

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1st POV 

I had just woken up and the doctor and Dad came rushing in. They explained that I was attacked by a large cougar that the reservation hunted down and killed. Dad explained how I lost so much blood that the doctors thought I wasn't going to pull through. Of course then Dad said that I was a survivor and I was too stubborn to die. Jacob came in and saw me. He looked like he was in pain just looking at me. Dad left to get some coffee. Right now I was beyond angry but I was also so disappointed. This was Jacob, my best friend and confidante since we were in diapers. I was there when he began developing his crush on Bella. I was there when his mom died and he needed me. He was there through my parents divorce. Jacob had seen me at my best and at my worst. This was just not something that one best friend doesn't tell another. Best friends shouldn't lie to each other. 

"Were you even going to try and tell me?" I asked 

"I was trying to work my way up to it." Jacob said looking down

"Was there anything that I had done in all the years we have known and been there for each other that would suggest that I would not accept this?" I asked 


"NO! We are best friends, Jacob! We don't lie to each other! We don't hide something like this from each other! How could you not tell me about this?! How could you tell Bella but not me something like this?!" I ranted my voice slowly raising in hysterics

Jacob ended up grabbing my hands as I waved them around. He just stayed silent and quickly hugging me gently so not to injure my back further. 

"I'm sorry, My. I am so sorry." He whispered as I cried 

I was horrified. Very few of the stories I read about large shape shifting creatures were good. Jacob though was sweet and gentle. Sure he had an over-protective streak a mile long and he didn't take well to authoritative figures, but he was still my Jacob. Jacob began telling me the truth and how things had been since he changed. Jacob stayed with me on the bed even when Dad came in and said he was leaving to go to work. He asked Jacob to take care of me and Jacob merely nodded. I was starting to doze off and I heard Jacob's phone chime. I could see Jacob got a text from Bella but he hit ignore and left it at that. I dozed off to Jacob running his fingers through my hair and listening to his heart beat. I dozed through two days of morphine before I was told I was healing really fast. Slowly I was able to start walking around a bit for a few days before being discharged on the condition that if the distance was too far I would have to be in a wheelchair for six weeks before coming in for a checkup. I agreed and Jacob wheeled me home.

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