You were right

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Victim or winner ? Hero or Villian? I don't suppose it mattered anymore, not now i was stuck here whilst the others I cared about where somehwere lost hidden beneath walls of secrets. Who was alive and who was dead, I didn't know and maybe that was the worst part. I'd accepted my fate but that didn't mean I was going to make it easy, this was going to be no cake walk I would ensure it.

Waiting for my instructions the peacekeepers had got their eyes on me but they weren't the only ones watching, it hadn't slipped past my notice that Cato was also watching me from across the room. It had a position he had taken to constantly. Always watching, making sure I was keeping in line even when I was eating my food. Maybe he was protecting me or maybe he was too far gone , too deep into Snows cycle of manipulation that he saw me as Capital property. Tapping my nails on the arm chair I wasn't happy with the summoning ao early in the morning but I had to get used to it, this was my life right now.

"Miss Monroe" President Snow greeted as he sat down in front of me looking overly chipper which just made me want to ring his neck even more but instead i painted on that smile they had made me manufacture, the one that screamed you can't break me no matter how hard you try. "I assume everything is okay here for you?" Like he needed to ask. He'd gone out of his way to make my room here perfect, to make it look like he really cared but i wasn't going to fall for it, not now not ever.

"Well it would be better if it was my home. Am I ever going to see District 4 again?"

" All in due time" That was as good as a promise as I was ever going to get. " Miss Monroe as you remeber considering you were there, there has been an increasing disturbance rate in District 11"

" What do you expect you shot that kids father" Oh i knew exactly who he was even if I'd never said anything. Katniss didn't need to know that she had had enough on her plate. " You've oppressed them their entire lives. Besides 12 they're the worst off"

"You need to stop it"

"I can't"

"And why not"

" Because I have no connection to 11, no connection its people. 2? Yes. 4? Yes. Even 7. But not 11" They couldn't ask me to quell a rebellion in a District that still held resentment for killing its kids. " I'll say a few words sure they'll listen but it wont change anything. You can't just directly address one district" It would never work

"Then what do you suggest?" Raising a hand to me it was almost like he was daring me to give an idea that he could scoff at and through it in the trash but believe it or not I didn't want rebellions in the poorest districts where thousands, if not millions would perish, not if peace could be found through another solution.

"We address everybody"

"And whose we exactly?" Cato asked. It couldn't be him, everyone thought he was dead and he had to stay that way or something worse would be coming our way.

"The victors, the ones you have held captive downstairs" Glaring at Cato Snow had wanted that to be kept a secret would i could see from the look on his face that he was interested in where I was planning on taking this.

"I'm listening" Of course he was.

"Use us. Use all of us. We all have a connection to someone. Katniss wont want Peeta to get hurt, and Finn loves Annie. Use them to call off the rebellions, make them give some bullshit story about how it doesn't need to go down this way. They'll see it, wherever they are they will see it and it will tear them apart"

"And then what?" Cato asked.

"Then we bring the world to its knees" A silent threat they wouldn't pick up on but i meant with every burning flame in my body. I'd bring them down even if it killed me. For a few moments Snow sat there, just looking at me. Trying to figure out what I was getting from this but the reality was it was the only way for no one to get hurt.

The decent into hell is easy( Finnick Odair)Where stories live. Discover now