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Wrapping his arm around me Finnick pulled me hard in his direction until I finally got on my feet properly. Still feeling the pain it was excruciating but I kept on runnning. What the hell was this? Catching a glimpse at my hand it was all blisted and bloody but I didn't let it phase me. Running faster than Katniss and Peeta I turned back to see they were struggling under the effects of Peetas death experience. Torn between the urge to keep going and my promise to myself I slowed down.

"Finnick we need to help them!" I screamed, turning to look behind him he ran back towards Peeta and dropped his arm around his shoulder and just like that he practically carried Leeta in our sprint away from whatever was trying to kill us but it was faster than us. I couldn't even see it at the moment but I could feel it ripping through my skin and burning my flesh. Jumping over a tree route cramp suddenlyovertook my ankle and I slumped to the floor screaming. Whatever this thing was that had been born from the pits of hell was affecting our muscles.

"Chlo get up!" Finnick screamed still trying to drag Peeta. Forcing myself to and upwards stance my ankle ached as if there was a bone that had never been allowed to heal properly. Following Finnick I knew I was limping and it was slowing me down but I had to bite through the pain if I was going to make it out of this alive. Catching a glimpse of Katniss beginning to stumble I dropped her arm over my shoulder and carried on running.

"Why are you helping me?" She breathes heavily still trying to run so I didn't take all her weight on my caving ankle and spasiming arms.

"Just run!" I screamed at her but it was too late. Tripping over a branch I fell head first down a hill hitting every rock and root on the way down. Landing with a thud at the bottom I no longer had the energy or the ability to keep going. Turning my head to the left my eyes fell on Finnick and Peeta who it seemed two had misjudged the terrain. Turning my head back to the fog it was rolling down the hill and this truly felt like the end but when it suddenly went up into the air my head was full of conclusion. Why hadn't it killed us? We were easy targets right now, it didn't make sense.

"Water" Katniss stutters barely above a hoarse whisper. Listening closely I herd the gentle laps of the sea surrounding the Cornucopia. Using whatever little strength I had left I began to crawl towards it, I just needed this crap off my skin. Reaching forward the pain is almost blinding and j find myself on my back nearly crying .

"Chloe?" Peeta soothes pulling me to sit up. "You have too, It draws out the chemicals" he said but right now I think I'd rather stick with the burn than that. "Katniss help me, we'll get Finnick after" he called. Get him after? What was wrong with him? Gripping me tightly under my arms they both gave me an apologetic look before placing me in the water. Throwing my head back in agony the screams that came out of my mouth could probably have been heard all over the arena but it was true, milky whirls poured from my body and I immediatly felt better. Taking long dragging breaths everything still ached but when I was strong enough I stood by myself and I saw Finnick face first in the sand.

"Finnick" I shouted running as fast as I could towards him but he wasn't moving. Grasping his face in my hands he looked dead to the world with a blistered, placid face. "Stay with me Okay?" I said as Peeta and KTniss helped to carry him over to the water. Gripping his hand tightly as they lowered him in he hissed in pain as the water slowly worked its way up his body. With every second we all remained in the water life flooded back into us. Never once letting go of Finnicks hand I was scared that if I did he would never come back but when he started to show signs of improvement I relaxed ever so slightly.

"There's just your head left Finnick, it's the worst part but you'll feel much better after, if your up for it?" Peeta told him but we all knew that he didn't have much of a choice. Taking the plunge himself he fought the pain so hard.

The decent into hell is easy( Finnick Odair)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang