The past comes calling

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Picking around in the remaining weapons they were little use to me but protection was protection. Sliding a few throwing knives into my belt the hilt of a sword caught my eyes as it was hidden under a pile of unwanted items. Moving them all to the side the familiarity of the sword became all too clear. Picking it up the green hilt sent rage through my body, why were they still doing this? They wanted to see me halter and brake under the pressure but I wouldn't. Swinging the blade around in my hand I could see why he chose it. It was light but harp enough to slice through anything.

"Can you use it?" Looking behined me Peeta was stood there watching me with the weapon.

"I can use anything" I said and before he had chance to reply I'd swung around and pressed the blade to his neck. Eyes widening in fear they soon turned to a dazed confusion as his recognition of the blade became apparent. Dropping it I forced a smile that didn't quite reach my eyes but it was all I could muster.

"How did you know him?" He asked. Shrugging my shoulders I wasn't ready to let him know that quite yet.

"Same way I know you. I was mentor last year" the look on his face told me he didn't believe me and I guess he was remeberingb that night back at the compound where I had turned on Enorbia and blamed her for his death. Looking over at the tail of the Cornucopia everyone was gathered around it. "What are the doing?" I asked nodding towards them.

"The tail points to 12. They're sectionig the arena so we know what comes when" that made sense. Have an idea so we know where not to go unless we feel like dying. Leaning against the heated metal was whe I noticed the eerie silence of it all. But that was soon broken by Katniss screaming. Running to her side I got there just in time to watch as Gloss slit Wiress throat. Seeping red her wound looked like a Cheshire Cat smile and I knew it was the end of the road for her. Feeling a tear I forced it away as I pushed Peeta to the ground and aimed for Enorbia who had come up close to me. Swinging the sword at her head she bared her teeth as she ducked out the way of the blade that would have severed her head. Hearing three cannons ring out two of the others must have died but I didn't have time to check who as the ground began to move. Slipping on a rock my face smashed into the ground and I could feel the blood trickling down my face but I was still able to Slam the sword into the ground before the land really picked up its pace. Holding on tightly to the hilt the world began to blur and made me feel nuacious. Holding on tighter gravity was pulling me towards the water. It I was determined not to go in. Looking slightly to the left I could see Peeta slipping. Reaching forward I grabbed his hand beforehand he could fully slip away and held on as if our lives depended on it which I guess in a way they did. The ache in my arms had almost become unbearable before we slammed to a holt and everyone was left coughing and spluttering. Lying on my back I was still trying to get my bearings as the world continued to spin.

"What the fuck was that?" Johanna asked offering me a hand. Taking it my legs were not quite ready and I staggered slightly just to be caught by Finn. Feeling like I would fall on my face if I let go I clung onto him despite hating myself for it. Looking at me with concern his eyes were focused on the blood running down my face. 0

"You okay?" He asked

"Yeah, where's Katniss?" I asked realising she wasn't with us but it didn't take long for me to find her swimming towards Wiress body. What was she doing? Swimming faster It fascinate s me that someone from District 12 could swim like that. Watching as the claw descends to take her away I watched as she closed her eyelids and pushed her further into the water. That show of respect got to me and I finally realised why she was called the Movkingjay. I couldn't always control the way I felt or acted but she felt compassion for human beings still and it just further showed me that whilst some of us get lost in the fire some of us are built from it and she was one of those people. Letting go of Finnick k stagger back over to the Cornucopia and slump to the ground. Smacking at it with my fist I wanted to rip the Captials world apart.

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