Chapter 8

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A/N: Just a reminder that I had published a more detailed version of Draco Malfoy one-shot, 'Like Romeo and Juliet' on Inkitt - and it has a mini bonus scene as well :)
   It's also similar for this story; I post chapters a week earlier on Inkitt, and might have bonus chapters (I think there's only like, one, in one of the books. Forgot which one) So if you want to read Chapter 9...head on over to Inkitt ;)

Melanie's POV
The next day Jacob returned with Seth and Leah, explaining to us that they had quit Sam's pack and wanted to help us.

Much to our horror, Sam wanted to kill Bella and her child due to this situation being scary and new to everyone. I suggested visiting them to speak for us, but everyone refused.

"There's no changing the mind for Sam, even though you're good friends," Jacob shook his head. "He's set on his choice."

"This sucks," I pouted, betrayal hitting me hard. I can't believe Sam and the others would do this...

Not only was Bella and Sam's situation stressing us, but now my sudden pregnancy change.

After Jasper and my failed attempt at getting some blood in my system, we spoke to Carlisle who unfortunately didn't have any answers.

We tried human food, and then blood, but still nothing. And as this happened, my stomach started to slowly get bigger to the point I looked about three months. It kind of scared me how much my baby was growing. Will it grow so fast to the point it would kill me?

"Why is this happening?" Jasper whispered painfully, holding me in his arms firmly.

"I don't know," I mumbled, one hand stroking my stomach, the other holding a sleeping Junior.

We were all trying to relax in the living room, staring at the noisy TV blankly. Who were we kidding; we can't focus. Not when two women's lives are at stake, we're being watched, and we can't go out to hunt because of it.

Uncomfortableness entered my body, my eyes immediately looking around for the source. I looked at Bella; she was freezing. "Bella's cold," I announced quietly from the loveseat next to Bella's sofa, Jasper still holding onto me.

I sent a pointed look to Jacob, the shifter getting my message. "Don't worry, I got it," he told us, sitting on Bella's legs gently. Bella hummed in bliss, closing her eyes.

"Are you okay?" Jasper decided to ask me.

"Yeah," I shrugged lightly, nuzzling into his chest with a small sigh. "I love you," I confessed randomly. It felt like a good time to remind him how grateful I was to have him in my life.

Jasper pressed a kiss on the top of my head, feeling him smile. "I love you too," he murmured against my head. Our intimacy was interrupted when Bella sat up, gasping in pain. Edward was near her in a blink of an eye, bucket ready for her to vomit into; something that was becoming a common thing to see. This time, however, there was nothing left for her to vomit out.

What felt like a stab to my abdomen, it was my turn to sit up with a grunt, handing Junior over to Esme before I could harm him somehow. Jasper was hovering over me, hands fluttering about worriedly. And that's when we heard a crack as if a glass was breaking - more specifically, the kind of sound you would hear when trying to kill a vampire. Everyone looked at one another to try and find the noise, but I already knew where it came from.

I lifted my shirt with bated breath, a tear escaping my eye when I saw a small crack on my stomach. What was happening?

"My baby..." I whimpered, gaining their attention. Everyone gasped in horror, Jasper giving out a small strangled cry.

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