Chapter 5

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Melanie's POV
A week went by since the newly wedded went on their honeymoon, and since then it has been relaxing and peaceful in Forks. I visited the shifters, spent time with the Cullens, and then had quality time with my own little family. Life was so peaceful, I kind of forgot about my own pregnancy until I would overuse my energy and start to feel dizzy and nauseous. Luckily when I had those episodes Jasper wasn't around. But now I think was the time to tell everyone my new state.

I walked down the stairs with Junior in my arms slowly, excitement building up inside of me - that Jasper could sense right away.

Jasper peered up at me from his seat in the living room, pausing in his reading on the Civil War. A smile threatened to be lifted on his lips when he felt my emotions. Before I could announce to him and everyone else who was hanging around, I was abruptly pulled into a vision along with Alice that shook me to my core.

Seeing a vision of Bella took me off guard so much, I accidentally dropped Junior who got caught by Jasper, my husband who witnessed the whole situation. The smile was gone from his face, replaced with worry. By then, everyone else gathered around us with concern. "Melanie," Jasper whispered to me. I simply closed my eyes tightly, wanting to shake the vision out of my sight.

"Call them," I rasped out, "Call Edward."

"What?" Emmett mumbled confusedly.

"Call Edward and Bella!" Alice screeched from her own seat in the living room, still stuck in the vision, wanting to find a solution.

Jasper fumbled for his phone while holding Junior, eventually being able to call our dear brother. Jasper didn't even have time to talk to Edward when Alice zoomed to us, grabbing the phone from his hand.

While I was still trying to get over what I had just seen, I could distinctly hear Alice speaking on the phone, followed eventually by Carlisle who remained calm throughout the whole scene.

"Come on," Jasper said, tearing me away from my thoughts. "Let's get some fresh air."

"I don't think I can move," I croaked out, feeling quite exhausted. With a look of anxiousness, Jasper had me climb onto his back while he still held Junior in his arms. Making sure I was secure, he took us away from the house and outside to nature.

Jasper stopped us at a river, setting me down carefully before moving to my side, rocking Junior in his arms slowly. "What did you see?" he asked me gently. I removed my gaze from the river to look into his golden topaz eyes for a moment, resuming looking back to the river.

"I saw Bella," I mumbled, "she was dying from something. I saw her die. For good." Jasper tensed, eyes wide and lips pursed. Saying nothing, Jasper wrapped an arm around my shoulders, bringing me closer to him so I was basically snuggling into him.

"Everything's gonna be alright," he soothed, "We ain't gonna let that happen to Bella. She's gone through a lot already, this time won't be any different." He was kind of right, to be honest...

I smiled up at him lovingly, leaning forward to press a kiss to his lips that he happily returned.

"Of course you can comfort me in anything with your mere words," I teased lightly, "Have I ever told you that I love you?" I asked rhetorically.

"A couple of times," he smirked, leaning forward to kiss me again. I pulled away from him before I could get carried away, the two of us taking our human time to go back home despite the situation at hand.


The next day...

"Bella," I flitted down the patio of the Cullen mansion to greet the pale-looking human. "Are you okay?"

"I might be pregnant," she whispered to me, a hand hovering protectively over her flat stomach. But it wasn't as flat. I can see a small bump.

My own hand covered my stomach, furrowing my eyebrows. Maybe I shouldn't tell them about my pregnancy; I have been through it before, but Bella's situation will be the first time for us all.I escorted Bella inside the house while Edward went to grab their luggage. After making sure 

Rosalie was with Bella, I rushed down to help Edward. But, I'm an idiot, and I never learn.

As soon as I zoomed to Edward my eyesight turned dizzy, and the urge to vomit emerged again. Edward helped me silently with a sad face, resuming to grabbing their luggage. "You haven't told him yet," he stated in his mind.

"Was going to," I replied sheepishly, grabbing Bella's makeup bag. "But I got a vision of Bella...dying." Bella's husband made a quiet strangled noise, looking physically in pain. "Everything is going to be okay," I murmured to him. Our attention snapped to the inside of the house when we heard Rosalie let out a feral growl.

When we entered the house to the living room, we saw Rosalie stood in front of Bella who sat on the sofa, shielding her from everyone. Everyone was all stood tense, watching the two warily. 

"What's going on?" I spoke up, cautiously making my way to the two women. Luckily, Rosalie allowed me nearby but not Edward.

"Rosalie isn't letting anyone near me," Bella answered me.


"They want to try and get rid of the baby!" the blonde female hissed. Rosalie tore her glare from the others and sent me a pleading look, wanting me to be on their side. Seeing everyone stare at me expectantly, I simply let out a sigh and sat beside Bella, wrapping an arm around her shoulders.

"I'm not on anyone's side," I said slowly, trying to grab all my thoughts together, to make each side not upset. "As much as I don't want my new sister to die, there's nothing you can do."

"Mel, she's dying!" Alice protested.

"Bella wants this child!" I argued back. "This is her baby, her decision on whether to keep it or not."

"Melanie..." Jasper whispered from across the room, looking to me with pleading eyes that almost made me want to gravitate to him.

No, I chastised myself. Bella needs me.

"I'm not on either side," I finalised. "I am not having a war happen or anything. You can't remove this child simply anyway; this child is a vampire, it's immune to human materials." Surely the book I gave to Carlisle will have answers, I'm pretty sure I read something about this situation.

"I think so," Edward spoke up for the first time, having read my mind. His face had lit up with hope, making me smile slightly.

"What?" Esme asked.

"The book Melanie gave us has rare information about her kind. What if it has information about the fetus killing Bella?" Edward suggested. I rolled my eyes at his comment on Bella's situation.

"It's called a baby!" Rosalie voiced.

"Now is not the time to argue," Carlisle announced sternly. "I'll be back with the book." And so, the leader of the coven went upstairs to get the treasured book. While he was gone I gave Bella a reassuring smile, giving a small squeeze before I left her side to go to Jasper's tense form, hugging him closely.

"Jasper..." I mumbled against his chest, lifting my face to look at his emotionless one. Despite the fact Bella and Jasper barely hung out with one another, he cared for Bella a lot - not only because she makes Edward happy, but also because through her, we were able to reunite once again.

"Jasper..." I called out again, cupping his face with one hand, bringing his face down so we looked eye to eye; his angry eyes looking into my eyes of patience and love. Slowly, his form began to loosen, his eyes softening to one of love. Jasper caressed my cheek, leaning closer to my face to press an endearing kiss to my lips.

"I love you too," he uttered, feeling my love towards him. "I'll support you in whatever."

"Thank you," I smiled against his lips, pressing another kiss to him before Junior's cries interrupted the tense atmosphere.

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