Chapter 3

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Melanie's POV

"Bella, breathe," I cautioned.

"I'm trying," she mumbled clutching onto her father's arm tightly. "Now I know how you felt at your wedding," she told me, giving a weak smile.

"Everything is going to be okay," I assured her, sending a small boost of calm to her before making my way down the aisle as one of her bridesmaids.

I ignored the looks of awe I received from the audience, my gaze set only on my one true love, Jasper, who was waiting for me with a smile adoration.

To be honest, I didn't really try much to look beautiful since the vampire perks did the job already, but with the help from Alice, we were able to add in some subtle looks from back in my human years that would remind Jasper.

The violet dress I wore had a small trail that followed behind me lightly, my hair done up in curls with blue butterfly clips made with sapphire. Around my neck was the treasured locket that Jasper gave to me during our human years. My hairstyle and locket reminded me of the human years, back when life was somewhat simple; and looking at Jasper's reaction, he was remembering too.

When I finally reached him, I accepted the hand he held out and followed him to our designated seats where Junior was already waiting in his pram. "You look absolutely breathtaking, darlin'..." Jasper whispered lowly in my ear as we all stood up to watch Bella and Charlie's entrance.

"Thank you," I whispered back shyly, avoiding his gaze by looking to the aisle. I could feel Jasper smirk against my temple as the music started to play.

"Don't let me fall," I heard Bella whisper as the father and daughter duo walked down the aisle.

"I won't," her dad vowed. Jasper and Emmett gave a small snicker, in the result of getting whacked by their significant others. Edward sent a small thanks into my mind.

Throughout the ceremony, Edward and Bella only looked at one another lovingly, as if we weren't existing and it was just them. Surprisingly Bella was crying throughout the whole time, barely saying, "I do,"

When Edward said the two words, he said it with such happiness and triumphant it made me smile at the sight of him getting his happily ever after.

Finally, they kissed, making us all cheer and clap for them. However, Junior didn't seem to like the noise and started to make a fuss.

The day was starting to blur together, and the next thing I knew we were at the reception which was in the backyard. My small family walked up to the newly wedded couple, bringing them into a hug.

"Congratulations!" Jasper and I exclaimed.

"Thanks," they replied, happiness beaming out of them. It was so strange to feel this much emotion from the two of them, it was becoming contagious to me and Jasper.

So far everything was going fine; the humans and vampires were mingling, even the shifters were being civil to their natural enemies, something I was really grateful of - and I'm sure Bella felt the same.

"I gotta say," I said to Jasper and the rest of the Cullens who were sitting at the table, "I think it was totally worth it, having Alice boss us around these days. This venue is simply amazing." Alice smiled brightly in response, flitting to my side momentarily to give me a hug before fleeing, wandering around to seek compliments for the place. Carlisle and Esme went to mingle with the friends they invited from around the world, Emmett and Rosalie going to the dance floor which then left Jasper, Junior, and I alone. We weren't alone for long though, for we were joined by my old coven, the Denalis.

"It is so nice to see you guys again!" I squealed, bringing each of them into a hug.

"Indeed! It has been a while since we last saw you," Eleazer agreed, looking at the three of us with a smile. With Junior in his arms, Jasper smiled down at me lovingly and pressed a chaste kiss to my temple.

"How is our favourite baby?" Carmen cooed, Jasper, handing our child to her who made baby noises at her in recognition.

"Is it just me, or has he grown a bit?" Tanya mused, peering down at the baby in Carmen's eyes curiously.

"Really?" I asked eagerly. They all hummed in agreement.

"I think he's a bit bigger now," Irina murmured. I looked to Jasper with excitement, him returning the look.

"I never realised," I voiced, "I think because we see him constantly we don't really notice."

"Oh, he has grown quite a bit," Eleazer nodded. "It really is working having the parents together."

"And we are never separating from each other again," Jasper emphasised, wrapping an arm around my waist protectively. I instinctively leaned towards him with a blissful smile. Our moment was interrupted by Alice announcing it was time for the cake.

We all laughed goodheartedly when Bella smashed a piece of cake onto her husband's face, laughing harder when Bella got cake in her face in return. Emmett and Jasper fake gagged when they saw Edward take a large bite of the cake, looking to us with disgusted looks on their faces.

"Gross!" Emmett gagged.

"Good luck throwing that up later on," Jasper grimaced.

"But you did that for our wedding as well," I pointed out while rocking a sleepy Junior. Emmett snickered in remembrance, elbowing his brother jokingly who swatted him away.

"Oh look," Rosalie spoke up, looking amused. "It's time for the garter."

Emmett and Jasper's roaring laughter could be heard from miles away, seeing Bella blush madly while Edward pulled her garter down...with his teeth. Charlie did not look too pleased with that.

My amusement was pulled to a stop when Edward chucked the garter right into Junior's open arms, my husband and brother-in-law close to falling on the ground from their laughter. Now I knew how Charlie felt.

With a small grimace, I grabbed the small cloth by my thumb and pointer finger, throwing straight at Jasper's face to silence him. Junior simply laughed away, snuggling deeper into my chest to resume sleep.

Luckily Bella throwing her bouquet was okay and normal; Alice was the one who caught it. "You're next," I told the pixie girl. She gave a small pout.

"That's if I meet my mate."

"We'll see."

For the first time in what seems like a long time, everything was going to plan. Nothing bad happened (except when Irina saw the shifters and left), everyone was happy, and Jasper and I were together.

I saw Edward and Bella disappear from the party, which means it was the wife's special present - seeing Jacob. "Come," Jasper said, interrupting my thoughts, "let's dance." After handing Junior to his grandparents - Esme and Carlisle - Jasper took me to the dance floor where we showed off our dance moves from back in the days.

We did all sorts of turns and twists and flips, everyone was enjoying the performance and cheering for us. However, that's when I heard the distinct sound of Jacob and Bella arguing from the distance.

While being twirled around, my eyes connected with Edward's who was talking to Seth. I yelled into his mind the situation I heard and with a small nod and snarl, Edward left the venue with Seth at his heel.

"Mels?" Jasper called out. I quickly turn my gaze back to him. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," I smiled lightly at him, leaning up to press a kiss to his lips. "Come on, let's show them what dancing is meant to be."

"Yes, Ma'am," Jasper smirked, grabbing me by the waist and throwing me into the air for our dramatic end. Anything to distract the people from the disappearance of the newly wedded couple.

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