Chapter 2

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Melanie's POV

"Whoa, easy there!" I exclaimed, catching Bella immediately before she could face plant in front of the house. I peered down at her feet that wore heels in amusement.

"Thanks, Mels," she huffed, taking them off.

"Come on, think on the bright side!" I teased. "You get to be with Edward forever soon."

"Hm. Bright side..." I heard Edward mutter in his mind. I ignored him, continuing to smile at the human before me.

"I know, but ever since the wedding got closer, she's become more stressed and anxious," Bella admitted, talking about the little pixie vampire that we both love. "I wouldn't be surprised if she called you in the house to try on the dress you're supposed to wear for the wedding...for the fifteenth time." And speaking of the devil...

"Bella! Why aren't you walking?" Alice appeared at our side in a flash that startled Bella who almost fell again. "I specifically said - oh, Melanie!" I smiled at the woman small. "So glad you're here! Can you please come with me to your room? I need to make sure the dress fits you." On cue Bella gave a short snort, giving me a look that clearly said she was right from before. I simply rolled my eyes in reply.

"Where do you want us to put this, Alice?" Emmett called from behind me. I turned around to see Emmett, Carlisle, Rosalie, and Jasper carrying logs that were going to be used as chairs for the wedding.

"Where the altar is going to be," Alice said breezily, focussed on attaching Bella's shoes back on much to the human's dismay.

"What altar?" Rosalie scoffed, looking around the empty forest.

"Ugh, don't you guys have imagination!" Alice complained, marching towards them. Seeing Jasper's look of annoyance sent me in small giggles, smiling innocently at him when he turned to me. Jasper sent me one last wink to me before going back to his task.

"Come on, Bells," I said, leading her to the porch where Edward stood, watching the scene before us. Bella visibly brightened when seeing him, going to his side automatically.

"Alice really is overreacting," her fiance mused, pressing a quick kiss to Bella's forehead before turning to me. "Hey, Mels."

"Hey, Edward," I returned warmly.

"Alice wants you in your room before she gets there," he warned me. "Her thoughts are getting mixed crazily about tomorrow."

"Right," I shivered, "don't want to see her have a tantrum at this time." Without another word I used my vampire speed to make my way upstairs, collapsing to her sofa when I started to feel dizzy and sick. A second later I was in the nearest bathroom, puking.

"Melanie?" I heard Alice call worriedly from outside the bathroom.

"In here," I coughed out, flushing away the disgusting liquid I saw in the toilet. Alice was by me in a flash, rubbing my back comfortingly.

"Are you okay?"

No. "Yeah, I think it's because I ate a lot of human food yesterday when I was with the wolves. Come on, let's get this dress on."


5 minutes later...

"How is this possible?" Alice grumbled. "You just wore this yesterday!"

"Are you calling me fat?" I accused, trying to look at her from behind. She sent me a withering look.

"I don't get it," she mumbled, "this should fit you. Does human food really make your stomach bigger?"

"Alice!" I didn't even eat that much human food! Or did I? I don't really remember how much I ate during my time with the shifters...

A sudden nauseating feeling overwhelmed me for the second time, sending me swaying from side to side much to Alice's surprise and confusion. "Melanie?" Alice caught me just in time before I could fall to the ground, feeling my face lightly. "You're burning up!"

"Keep it down!" I couldn't help but hiss, "I don't want Jasper to hear us!"

"But -"

"Alice, I'll be fine, I'm sure..." I slowly got to my feet with her help, getting escorted to the nearest seat. "I don't know what came over me..."

"Maybe you should get checked up by Carlisle," Alice cautioned, "it might be a condition your kind of vampire has or something."

"No, I should be fine, I'm pretty sure it's..." A thought suddenly came to me. The last time I felt something like this...

"I think I'm pregnant," I whispered, my hand flying to my flat stomach. Alice gasped in reply, bouncing in her spot excitedly. "Oh my God..."

"You're having a baby -!"

"We didn't use protection -!" Alice and I said at the same time, looking to one another with surprise. A second later we both started to giggle together.

"That's great, isn't it?" Alice beamed, bringing me into a hug. "But the baby must be growing quite a bit if I have to get your dress resized..."

"But Alice," I couldn't help but interrupt, "I only just reunited with him - Junior is still a baby! Are we really ready for another child?"

"I think it's great that you're pregnant," Alice told me as she helped me out of my dress. "For one, more babies! Two, you're starting a family with the love of your life - something we can't have, so you're very lucky."

"You're right," I looked away guiltily. I shouldn't be acting this way...

"Also, through this pregnancy Jasper can be with you the whole way," she added helpfully. "He missed Junior's beginning, this can be his second chance, you know?"

"When you put it that way..." I looked at her with a smile. "This might be a good idea!"

"See? I told you!" she clapped her hands happily. "Now, while I get your dress resized, you can go and relax - good for the baby and all." And with that, she skipped away with grace. Huh, I thought to myself. I'm pregnant again.

Congratulations must be in order, I guess.

"Oh my Lord!" I yelped, a hand flying to my chest in instinct at the sudden sound of Edward's voice in my head. Said man gave a chortle at my reaction, much to my displeasure. "Edward! Don't scare me like that!"

Sorry, he snickered. But really, congratulations. Jasper will be happy to hear about this.

Yeah? I replied back in my head. Will he actually be happy?

Of course. He loves you and Junior with all his heart. He'll be excited to hear that there is going to be another one on the way. Alice is right, you know, he will be happy to be part of this pregnancy.

That is true, I agreed again.

Go tell him.

No, not yet, I refused. After your wedding, I will tell him. Don't want to steal the spotlight.

Gee, thanks, Melanie, Edward said amused. I rolled my eyes.

Go focus back to your fragile wife, I said jokingly. Edward flipped me off in our minds, much to my amusement.

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