Chapter 16

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Jasper's POV

"No," I said immediately, shaking my head. "I am not running away with you."

After Alice dragged us deep into the forest to look further in the future, me using my gift to calm her down when she started to get frustrated and scared, she told me what we all had to do - specifically, what both of us needed to do.

Leave our family.

"Please!" she insisted pleadingly. "I can't do this alone," I shook my head, standing my ground.

"I'm not leaving her for the second time - and pregnant, for God's sake! I already did that to her once, I am not doing it again."

"She's not that far into her pregnancy," Alice stated, "She'll be fine and protected by the others."

"You don't know that! This pregnancy is different from when she had Junior! This one is affecting her more, she could possibly have it early just like Bella!"

"She won't! I looked into the future, and she will be fine!"

"It doesn't matter, I need to be there for her!"

"Jasper!" she snapped, getting angry at me for the first time in a long time. "If you want to be there for her, and protect her, you need to come with me. I cannot do this alone, I need your help and your connections - Melanie will help the others concerning battle plans along with Peter if needed. What we need to do is much more important, do you understand? If we do what we need to do, we can potentially save us all! Including your family!"

I inhaled sharply, looking away from her to think about our situation. It was true; Melanie would be protected with the others - especially when our friends come to help be witnesses. It's just the mate-side of me that simply wants to be there and protect her.

No, it's not just the mate thing inside of me...

It was the human side of me, the one that wants to be with his wife and children.

But Alice was right, what we were going to do would be the secret weapon against the Volturi. And now that I know what to do, I can't be with the others because Edward will see my thoughts, which can lead us to be revealed by Aro since we know for sure that Aro will want to look into his mind.

I exhaled heavily at my decision, turning to Alice glumly.


Melanie's POV

"Where are they?" I growled, pacing back and forth in the living room. It's been hours since Jasper and Alice left; where are they? What is taking them so long?

"Maybe she needed longer than we expected," Emmett piped up, trying to reassure us all.

"I don't think so," Edward said, ruining the moment, "I think they left somehow for some reason...I don't really feel their presence - or mind."

"What!" I exclaimed, whirling around to face him.

"Don't you dare!" he warned me, "You know not to use your powers excessively! You did enough by looking into the future."

"Well, you should have been careful with what you said!" Esme scolded on my behalf. "Mels is panicking enough already,"

"We should find them," Bella declared, myself agreeing instantly.

While Renesmee and Jacob stayed back at the house, the rest of us tried to follow Jasper and Alice's scent. Emmett had lifted me in his arms while they dashed into the forest, tracking them down.

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