Chapter Thirteen

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Prepare for the feels
The next day.

Your p.o.v

Where am I?

The sound of beeping monitors awoke you from a deep slumber induced by medicine.

"(F/n), are you awake?"A voice called from the other side of the room. The voice sounded fuzzy from the medicine.

You opened your eyes,revealing a white room that was lit up by natural lighting.

"Hanji?"You whimpered for her. In a flat of three seconds,she was right by your side.

"Shh, it's okay."Hanji cooed while helping you sit up in the hospital bed. You looked around to see machines around you.

And that's when it hit you.

"My baby!"You cried into your hands while screaming out loud. Tears ran down your face as you remembered the painful memory of the knife being pressed to your abdomen.

"Please don't hurt my baby."

My baby...

"How could I do such an awful thing to something so precious!"You screamed while Hanji rubbed circles on your back.

"I should have told Levi!"You cried out.

Suddenly, you felt a wave of nausea hot you. You covered your hand over your mouth to hold in the sickness.

Hanji took that as a sign to grab a trashcan; which she did. She got there right in time before you emptied the contents of your stomach into the can.

Hanji rubbed your back as you let the tears roll down your face and as you continued to regurgitate.

'Why?'You said to yourself as your face was down in the trash can.

You heard the door open to reveal the doctor and the nurse,but you couldn't see them due to your vision being blocked.

"She's awake I see."The doctor spoke to Hanji.

"Ms. (L/n), we haven't introduced ourselves properly. I'm Grisha Jaëgar and this is my wife Carla Jaëgar. We own this practice." The doctor said.

When you were done, your head emerged from the trash can. The doctor grabbed a paper towel and wet it for you and handed it to you.

You threw the used towelette in the trash can before turning to the doctor and the nurse.

"My baby."You sobbed.

The doctor gave you a smile and walked over towards you.

"You wanted that baby didn't you."

Finally you caved in, the answer you were dying to say finally came out. Your true feelings in all of this trash called life came out.

"I loved that baby!"You continued to bawl your eyes out. The doctor placed his hand on your shoulder and began to speak words of happiness for you.

"We didn't go through with the procedure." He spoke truthfully to you. When you heard those words,you began to cry tears of joy.

"Really!?"You smiled as you started to cry, you were so happy that you admitted your true feelings about your unborn child.

Screw Levi and Petra, you are having a baby whether Levi likes it or not. And Petra can just deal with it.

You hands went down to your bump and you started to smile.

"Hey baby, it's your mother. I love you so much."You cooed as tears ran down your face.

"Damn you hormones."You choked out as you rubbed your belly. You looked up at Hanji and smiled.

"I'm sorry for being a cruel friend Hanji."You apologized for your behavior for the past couple of days.

"It's okay."She beamed, she looked at your belly and smiled. It was like a plan was cooking up in her head and you didn't like it.

"You have to let me be the godmother."Hanji stated,walking over towards you. You pondered for a moment, it wasn't a bad idea.

"You can't do experiments though."

Hanji snapped her fingers in disappointment.

"It doesn't matter, I won't do an experiments."Hanji mumbled as she sat next to you on the hospital bed.

"You need prenatal vitamins and an ultrasound to check on the baby. My son is great in that area of expertise. His name is Eren Jaëgar and my adopted daughter Mikasa is also in that area of expertise." Doctor Jaegar spoke to you,making sure you understood.

You shook your head and nodded at each thing he said,making sure to ask all the right questions and such important things.

"His office isn't opened today so I suggest you make an appointment for whenever he can take you,but I can ask him if he can take you for next week." He said before smiling at his wife.

"Thank you for not doing the abortion."You told him, he nodded and gave you your clothes to go change.

Hanji helped you up and led you to the bathroom before shutting the door behind you.

You took off all your clothes and began to open the overnight bag that you packed. You gathered the clothes and laid them on the sink.

You looked at your belly that was already trying to swell up. You smiled and ran your hands over the bump.

"My child, I'm sorry that I tried to do that to you. Hopefully when you grow up you will learn to forgive me cause-" You paused for a moment.

There it went again.

Inside you, your child was moving. It wasn't kicking but it was moving and that made you tear up.

This was proof that you had life inside of you.

"Cause I love you my baby,and I will away love you. I will give you the love you deserve!" You gasped for air as you continued to cry.

"Even if your father doesn't love you, I will love you till the day I die!"You smiled and wiped the tears away.

You hand laid on the bump,feeling the movements of the baby.

"I love you my little one,and don't you forget it."

Two updates in a day!

I'm not a wizard at pregnancy okay so I don't know what the baby is and isn't supposed to do at this stage so just go with the flow.

Surprise, the baby is not dead,but I wouldn't get your hopes up because someone will die in this story.

Don't get connected with a character because you don't know who will die.

I'm thinking about taking the lemon scene down, its like showing people how perverted I am and how my raging hormones got the best of me lol.

Hope you enjoy the chappy !

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Did I get you hot and bothered by the lemon scene ^don't look at me lol.

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