3 | A Strange Wolrd

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Hypnic jerk: the falling sensation you feel when you're beginning to fall asleep. That was exactly what you were feeling except it was more intense, like you were on a roller coaster and the drop seemed to be never ending. But still, you refused to open your eyes. A dream, that's all it is. Yet, if it's a dream, why do you feel like you're flying?

Slowly you opened your eyes and saw a vast blue sky and then clouds when you looked down. It wasn't until you looked up when you saw land. You were actually falling!

In a panic, you tried to grab anything to stop but there was nothing to grab onto. This only resulted in you flailing around in the air, unbalancing yourself and ultimately spinning yourself around to the point you couldn't control your movements.

Closer and closer, as you were spinning, you could see that it was only a matter of time before you hit the ground. But what could you do? You can't fly, you can't hover, you can't control gravity, you can't double jump. This isn't a video game.

There was only one thing you COULD do, which was to do nothing and accept defeat. Letting out a sigh you scrunch your face up before relaxing it along with your body. Almost instantly your body aligned, and you were now diving headfirst towards the ground.

Now, it was only a matter of time before you hit the ground beneath you and a very peculiar cloud. However, you didn't know that the cloud that floated beneath you was a platform. When your body made contact with what felt like a fluffy cushion, you slowly sank in it, creating more and more tension almost as if it was a trampoline. Huh? You were brought out of your relaxed state, your mind awake when suddenly you were flung back into the sky before falling back down. You began to scream, your body now tense as you flail your arms uncontrollably. Both of your eyes began to water when you felt the wind blow through them as you fell again.

Oddly enough, the cloud managed to sling shot you perfectly into a black bowl, just large enough to fit inside. You hissed out in pain as you felt your backside sting from the contact. You didn't have a chance to even relax when the bowl started to turn on the side. Staring out the hole you landed in, you saw another bowl that oddly resembled a canon with an arrow plastered on the side of it.



With a trail of smoke trailing behind you, you were shot out of a cannon— into another cannon— into another cannon— into another cannon, a few feet off the ground, until finally it spit you out onto the ground where you comically slide face first onto the soft grass.

You laid there for a moment in silence. If anyone were to see you right now, after what just happened, they would think you were dead. But, after a minute, you shakily placed your hands on the soft surface and brought your head up, gasping for air before coughing out blades of grass.

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