11 | A Flight Through The Sky

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"—it! Get back here!" you heard Snake's voice fade away in the distance. The ground was becoming smaller and smaller with each second that passed by until Snake and the others looked like ants.

Seeing the vast ground below you only brought back the horrible memories of how you entered this world. A portal opening—falling to your doom—flailing your arms around like a chicken trying to fly.

Now, you were forcibly brought back to the sky, your arms dangling in front of you. A pair of arms were wrapped around your waist, securely holding you in place to prevent you from falling. Falling was how you got into this world, and you certainly didn't want it to be how it takes you out.

Trying not to panic as the entire landscape you had recently been on could be seen, you stiffly gripped tightly onto the arms that were keeping you from re-living a frightening moment. It was due to this sudden fear of what was to come that caused your left arm to slowly de-transform and turn back into a regular hand.

The pink and purple veins that had formed earlier had crawled up your entire arm and traveled all the way to your neck until it cupped your cheek. They had been slowly creeping close to your eye, managing to tint some of the white of your eye black. However, it was reverted back to its original state the moment your eyes looked down at the ground.

Now, not a single trace of the blue cat-like iris could be seen on your left hand.

With your now fully restored hand, you were able to feel the arms that you were gripping onto tightly. With your right hand you felt leather and with your left hand you felt skin. The texture of whatever was holding you felt off. What kind of creature is this?

Taking a shaky breath of air, you turned your head downwards towards the ground to see the arms of the so-called "creature" that was holding onto you. Your breathing quickened in fear but slowed down once you saw its arms. They looked like normal human arms with leather and gold arm cuffs around their wrists.

They look human. But what kind of human can fly? Not only that but the armor they wear doesn't exactly make them friendly looking but rather menacing, knowing they must know how to wield a weapon. Whoever this inhuman devilish being is cannot be trusted. Not while there are others who see you as an enemy.

But what do they want from me? Do they plan on dropping me from the sky!? I can't get out of this position! you anxiously thought. You immediately started to kick the air out of fear, struggling with the fact that you didn't feel secure, as your legs dangled below you. It felt like you were on a roller coaster, slowly ascending to the top right before the big drop. A drop that you feared would happen again.

Without warning, the figure suddenly let you go. Before you could even realize you were falling, they caught you once again but this time you were held in a different position.

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