~chapter 10~

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  "It's nice to see you again, Alex.", he said with a devilish grin. I glared at him, which only made his grin bigger. "You're probably wondering why I'm here and how I found you. Well, I work for the government now." He starts to pace around. 'Well now I know the government is poisonous by hiring people like him.', I think to myself. He starts talking again, which snaps me out of my thoughts. "I found you out here because we have cameras placed all around the city and we saw you guys escape. We eventually found out where you ran off to and I was sent to come get you.", he smiled. "You and what army. If you haven't noticed by now, you're out numbered.", Zoe chimes in. "I figured I would be, so I brought back up.", he snapped his fingers and men with big guns came out in every direction, surrounding us. "Are you going to cooperate? Or will I have to use force?", he says happily, knowing that he won.

We walk in a line into two separate black vans. Jax, George, Zoe, Ryan and I are in one van and the rest went into the other. No one spoke as we drove back into the city. All I could think of was that we failed. I failed to keep my promise to Mom. The van stops, pulling me from out of my head and I look around at everyone. The windows are blackened so we can't see where we are. The doors open and I have to squint because the light outside is so bright. Everyone climbs out and we look around to see a big building almost out of the city borders. There are two men with guns who make us get back into a line and we walk inside of the building. The halls, floors and high ceilings were all white. There were paintings hung in neat lines on each wall. The two men took us to the very end of the hall and into an elevator and they pushed the fourth floor button. The doors closed and soft music played as we went up. There was a ding and we walked out into another hallway. The floors were wooden and there was a blue rug layed across it. There were doors on each side and small tables with flowers of blue and white in between every two doors. The men walked us down the hallway and everyone got their own room. "Be down for dinner in ten minutes. Second floor, third entrance on the left. Don't be late.", one of the men said. I walk into my room and look in awe at everything. On the right was a big queen size bed with white sheets and light green blankets. The room had the same floors as the hallway and a rug the same color as the blankets. The walls were a soft white, and to the left was another door leading to the bathroom. On the ceiling was a beautiful, big chandelier. I move more into the room and see a closet with a wooden foldable door. I open it to find a variety of different clothes and many different colors.

I dress into a flowy purple dress that goes down to my knees and walk into the hallway to go to the elevator. Jax walks out about a minute after I do and we walk to the elevator together. "You look nice. Purple suits you.", he says looking at me. I slightly blush and he smiles. "T-thanks. You look nice too.", I say back to him. Once we walk into the elevator and he pushes the button. "So," he starts. "Why do you think the government is being so nice to us?". I completely forgot that this was all from the government. "I'm not sure. To be honest I forgot all this was from the government.", I say. Maybe that's why. They want to butter us up and get us on their side. The elevator dings and we walk out and go to where the man said. We find a big table with plates, napkins and shiny silverware. A few of us were already seated and the had glasses of water or iced tea. Two waiters were on the sides and came over to seat us. Soon everyone was down stand seated, even Peyton was there.

First came the Appetizer which was a salad and dressing of choice. Everyone was quiet when eating because we were all hungry and probably tired of always having fish. The main meal was next which was a choice of meatloaf with mixed veggies and mashed potatoes and either white or brown gravy, a smoked salmon with steamed broccoli and potato slices, or a clam chowder soup and a side of corn. I chose the soup and corn, and the waiters took my glass and filled it with water. Shortly after, everyone had gotten their food and we began eating. Some of us even shared a bite or two of one another's food. Jax sat next to me with the meatloaf and we traded some of our food. Everyone was having such a good time that we didn't even know how much time passed by. "Is everyone finished?", Peyton says. We look around and all nod. He snaps his fingers and the waiters come to clear off the table. Peyton looks at his watch and frowns. "It's almost curfew. By eleven o'clock everyone needs to be in their rooms. No wondering the halls and you can't be in anyone else's room past then. Please go to your rooms now." He says this politely which surprises me and somewhat weirds me out.

We all get out of the elevator and head to our rooms. Everyone says goodnight and I go back into my room and get ready for bed. The bed is soft and warm as I crawl into it. Not long after I start to fall asleep.

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